
Monday, July 18, 2022

Design Wall Monday - July 18, 2022

Good Morning Quilters!

Remember last week when I listed three quilting goals?  Ta-Daaaaah!  I completed all three goals.

The May Day Baskets blocks are all sewn together into a top, awaiting the borders.  The small matching doll quilt is almost completely embroidered - only one more basket to go!

Here is a picture of both quilts together, hanging on the clothesline in the screen porch:

And a close up picture of the doll quilt showing just one more basket to embroider:

The Benjamin Biggs Wedding Quilt block I was working on got finished too.  And I finished another similar one.  Here are pictures of both of them.  Block #25

Block #11

Some weeks are like this - quilting projects move along smoothly.  So I am happy dancing that this week was a move along smoothly one.  How about you?

Your posts last week were great - you are making so many beautiful quilts.  I am looking forward to seeing your posts this week.  Thanks for joining in our Design Wall Mondays Linky Party.  Thanks to all of you who mention this blog in yours, and also provide a link back to this post.  You are appreciated!


Gretchen Weaver said...

Both quilts are lovely and 2 Benjamin Biggs appliqued blocks! I hope you have another great week of happy stitching!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I love seeing quilts on a clothesline, all lined up and pretty, fluttering around! Great job on finishing all three goals!!!

Little Penpen said...

Oooooh! Those basket blocks are wonderful!!! The smaller version just makes me so happy! Beautiful work!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Congrats on hitting all three!!!
I really like seeing those two hanging on the line - they are just SO pretty!

Sara said...

The basket quilts are so beautiful - great job on them! I really like that soft green you used with the embroidered blocks. That color allows the embroidery to be the star.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Don't you just love productive weeks like that? Both of the quilts look amazing. Love the vintage green fabric you have paired with the blocks. The BBWQ blocks are looking fabulous as well. Have a wonderful week.

Jennifer said...

Your two tops look so great hanging together - congrats on a great week of meeting goals!

Celine said...

Wow well done in completing your 3 goals!