
Monday, August 22, 2022

Design Wall Monday - August 22, 2022

 Good Morning Quilters!

I went to the AQS Quilt Show in downtown Grand Rapids on Thursday.  Such beautiful quilts, with amazing workmanship.  I’d like to talk about just one of the quilts that I saw.  It is named “Monkeys in My Hair (Evie)” and is by Deborah Hyde.

This quilt won “Best Wall Quilt” in this show, and has won several awards in other shows too.  I read more on the internet about Deb Hyde when I got back home, and thought you’d like to learn more too.

She has a technique of using one inch squares of fabric to create her incredible portraits.  She is on Facebook as “Deb Hyde Fiber Art”, and there are more pictures and information there.

There are so many small birds, insects, and yes, two monkeys in her hair.  All made from small squares of fabric. She was featured in the May 2022 issue of American Quilter.


To achieve the images using her one inch square method, she had to cut an image from fabric several times, because the seams take up part of the image. Here is a preliminary stage before a monkey is sewn together.  

And a picture of her studio, with this project in progress:

Amazing work, and such talent.  I am so thankful I got to see her work, and all the other beautiful quilts.  I am amazed by the talented quilters that enter quilt shows.  

What has inspired you this week?  Please link up to our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and show us.  Thanks for linking back to this page, and also mentioning Design Wall Mondays in your blog post.  


Gretchen Weaver said...

I didn't make it to Grand Rapids this year, all I can think about is the upcoming move. This wall quilt is amazing, what a quilt! Happy stitching!

maggie fellow said...

oh my - that is phenomenal- what a lovely idea too

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh my goodness - the details!!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

That truly amazing piece of art came through my Facebook page this week and I was so in awe!

Quilter Kathy said...

That is unbelievable! I've never seen anything like it!
I like small piecing, but that is on a whole other level!

MissPat said...

What an incredible portrait. I am in awe of her patience and insight in creating such an exquisite piece.

Bonnie said...

Wowzer! Thanks for sharing the quilt and all the info about the artist. I had to go back and see if it was the same artist I had featured in July. Same size blocks but definitely a different artist. Cheryl Lynch makes her art look like mosaics. This one doesn't at all.

Nann said...

Wow. Just imagining how to imagine such a creation . . .

Julierose said...

this piece is absolutely stunning and amazing!! I cannot fathom all those little 1" sqs to be cut!! thanks for sharing this incredible fabric artwork...
Hugs, julierose

Sara said...

Thank you for sharing the info on this amazing quilt artist. Wow! I'm so amazed at the skills mixed with creativity!!

Rebecca Grace said...

Lucky you, visiting an actual quilt show in person! Yes, that piece by Deborah Hyde is fascinating. How exciting that you got to see it in person!

Debbie said...

Wow! Such an amazing process to make the portrait glad you shared the details.

Quilting Babcia said...

Thank you for sharing this exquisite quilt. What amazing talent!

Michelle said...

OMG! That quilt is just amazing! I will definitely be looking her up on FB. Thanks for sharing!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, how amazing. I was surprised by how large the quilt is, but then although 1" squares are small, they soon add up! Thanks for sharing with us.

Celine said...

That's an amazing quilt, thank you for sharing it.

JOY @ said...

Thank you so much for sharing the Fabric collage. I'm always looking for tips and tricks about this and thread sketching. This work is amazing.
Thank you for hosting.

Nancy said...

Gosh, her quilt is simply amazing! Incredible, really. At first glance, the image of the little girl is a sweet portrait, but then--what an explosion of detail. For some reason this quilt makes me think of pointillism. Thanks so much for sharing.