
Monday, October 3, 2022

Design Wall Monday - October 3, 2022

 Good Morning Quilters!

It is now October, and I planted three big mums out in front, and brought out the terracotta clay jack o 'lanterns and put them on the front porch.  Fall here we come!

I got a lot accomplished this week - although I changed plans a bit on the border for the two May Day Baskets quilts.  I made 4 inch square-within-a-square blocks for the small doll quilt, put them around it on the design wall and took a picture:

Something is not right.  I decided the border blocks were too big, and so I took them down and put them around the big May Day Basket quilt.  And I liked the border there much better!  But that means I need to make a lot more of the 4 inch square-within-a-square blocks to go all the way around the big quilt.  I haven't figured out how many yet - but a bunch!

Please excuse my feet in this picture, I didn't notice this until I posted it here, and hope you will excuse my socks.  My design wall was the floor, since the Benjamin Biggs Wedding quilt was on the design wall.

And back to the doll quilt, if the 4 inch blocks were too big, I decided to try 2 inch square-within-a-square blocks.  I made two and put them on the design wall for a picture.  I felt like Goldilocks trying out the three bear's porridge.  The small blocks are just right! 

Which of course means I have to make about twice as many blocks, to go all the way around the doll quilt.   Maybe 44 blocks.  But since I have made 2, I only have 42 to go!  But now I know it is exactly what I want and I am excited to  get these two quilt tops finished.  Yeah!

What have you been doing since October started?  I so enjoy reading your blogs and looking at all of your pictures.  Thanks for joining in our Design Wall Mondays LInky Party.  I appreciate you.


Gretchen Weaver said...

You've got the squares the right size now, both quilts will be lovely, happy stitching!

Preeti said...

42 blocks may seem small (only 42, you said) or too many. It really depends on our level of excitement. Isn't that true of just about everything in life? I just completed a large bag (Ultimate Travel Bag, by Patterns by Annie) in October. Cutting fabrics today for a new quilt that will be published in a magazine in May 2023. Seems so far away. Hope you have a great week.

Kate said...

It's always a little frustrating when you have to regroup on a border, but at least you know what you want now for both projects.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I love the Goldilocks analogy!!! Looks great!!!

Bonnie said...

Yep, the smaller blocks look just right with the doll quilt. But, bummer on needing to make so many blocks. I just started a new piece and the first thing was to cut 79 triangles and then 79 pairs of triangles. I did the cutting over several days because all at once was way too boring! Slow and steady gets the job done.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

You have such a good eye, Judy. Perfect is what it will be. I enjoy making those square within a square blocks so I hope yours go fast! Yes, happy fall!

Sara said...

The square in a square blocks make the perfect borders for these quilts. Your experienced eye knew the first ones were better on the bigger quilt.

Cindy Quilts said...

The borders look great on both quilts!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your May Day Basket quilts are looking fabulous. Now that you have the borders figured out; you can whip the blocks out. I hope you have a wonderful week and look forward to seeing your progress.

Michelle said...

It’s amazing how much a photo can reveal that just looking at a piece cannot. Your borders are perfect now. These quilts are just exceptional.