
Monday, November 14, 2022

Design Wall Monday - November 14, 2022

 Good Morning Quilters!

I’ve just returned from a quilt retreat, and had a fantastic time.  It is so much fun to be in a room full of quilters, each at her sewing machine.  

Here are two projects I worked on.  #1 was the pattern for a fall wall hanging that I talked about last Monday.

I think I’d like to make this one again, and use a background for the embroidery that is the same as the outside border background.  And use softer colors for the nine patches.  It was fun to do, and the embroidery was fast, so I may make it again.

The other project was to make my UFO maple leaf quilt bigger.  The blocks are sewn 9 across and 9 down, and I made 51 more maple leaf blocks.  In the picture I’m holding up the 51 new blocks in front of the UFO of 49 blocks. 

It will be 10 by 10, with 
100 blocks.  I will be playing with the new blocks on the design wall this week.  This should be fun,

Here’s another picture with the new blocks all scattered over the old blocks.  They look more like real maple leaves this way, don’t they?

What is on your design wall?  I hope to see your post later today.  Please link up to the Design Wall Monday Link Party below, and join in on the fun.  Thank you to all of you who  join in.  Please remember to link back to this blog post from somewhere within your post, and also mention Design Wall Mondays, so others can join in.  I appreciate you.  I wish I could go on a quilt retreat with all of you.  But the linky party will have to suffice.  🙂


Preeti said...

Definitely a Fall theme going on in your studio. Since all the leaves (and all the color) is gone, we have to rely on our fabrics for all the color, at least till spring comes. That is why I told my husband when I bought a couple of FQ bundles as a Christmas present for myself :-D Hope you have a great week.

Gretchen Weaver said...

It was great to see you at retreat even if we didn't spend much time chatting. I love the view of your little quilt across the room, your little quilt certainly improved the blank wall decoration. Happy stitching all winter long until April!

Kate said...

Your maple leaf blocks turned out beautifully, the black background really makes those colors pop. Happy stitching this week.

Rebecca Grace said...

I've never been on a quilt retreat but it sounds wonderful! Glad to hear you had a good and productive time away. Your maple leaves look wonderful!

Sara said...

Both fall projects are definitely pretty. The embroidered wall hanging is beautiful. I've had a maple leaf block idea bouncing around my head the past couple of weeks too.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Ohh Love all those leaves - that will be so cool!!!

Michelle said...

The first quilt is so sweet with the embroidered blocks. And I love the maple leaf block. Your quilt is soooo pretty.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Both of your projects are so beautiful.Such gorgeous fabrics that you used in both projects. I bet it was very relaxing to work on the embroidery .

Bonnie said...

I think I'm going to blame you and your maple leaf blocks. I bought the AccuQuilt die for the maple leaf AND then I went wild and bought a beautiful fat quarter bundle of fall colored fabrics. My goal is to make a fall quilt. I'm not sure if I'll use a dark background, white or beige. Time will tell and the fabric hasn't come in yet. I probably won't be able to start for a while.... I still like your maple leaves a lot!

Quilter Kathy said...

I especially love your embroidered leaves quilt!
Wouldn't it be great for all the quilt bloggers to be in one place at the same time?!?

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, I like your small fall wall hanging but your suggestions for a possible next one are good. I'm also working with maple leaves, but of the appliqué kind. Almost done. Today I'm going to figure out how to FMQ the borders. I'm looking forward to finishing it and getting on to other things. Take care.

Jennifer said...

What fun projects to work on at your retreat!