
Monday, April 24, 2023

Desgn Wall Monday - April, 24, 2023

 I just got home from a quilt retreat with my daughter and many quilty friends.  It was so much fun.  Such a blessing to quilt for a few days with kindred quilting souls.  Plus spending time with my daughter was extra special.  It was wonderful.

One of the special events we could attend was a talk and display of Amish crib quilts and doll quilts.  This presentation was given by Rebecca Haarer, the owner of Rebecca Haarer Arts and Antiques, a store in Shipshewana, Indiana.  Today’s post is a parade of some of the beautiful Amish quilts she showed us:

Enjoy.  I don’t remember what Rebecca Haarer said about this one, as it has printed fabric in it, but it was includedin her talk, and I like it.

Solid colors:

Here are three adorable Amish doll quilts:

What have you seen, or made, or started or finished this week?  Please join in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and join the fun.  Next week I will show you what I displayed at the retreat’s “show and tell”.  Thanks for participating this week!


Preeti said...

I am glad you had a fun time at the retreat. Thank you for the quilt show :-) Covid killed many real life quilt shows so I am happy to attend a virtual one. Have a great week. Hope the linky party is open soon!

Gretchen Weaver said...

The quilts are lovely! I always enjoy hearing Rebecca "speak", so many lovely quilts. It was nice to meet your daughter, she is definitely a speedy crocheter. Happy stitching!

Kate said...

Sounds like you had a really good retreat. Amish quilts are so cool, they do such perfect work. Hope you were able to get in a lot of your own stitching time while you were there.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Fun to see all those loved quilts from earlier days! I'm looking forward to your retreat show & tell!

Sara said...

A retreat and a trunk show - what fun! It's been a couple of years since I went on a retreat - basically right after we felt safely vaccinated against Covid.

Bonnie said...

What a fun retreat event. And with your daughter attending too. I'm so jealous. My daughter quilts but I don't think she would be able to get away from work and family yet. Maybe one day though. Lovely Amish quilts. Must have been fun to see them up close.

Marti said...

I love Amish quilts, thank you for the show! Sounds like you went to the perfect retreat. Daughter and friends together with quilting!

Melva said...

The spring retreat that I had planned on attending was cancelled because of several ladies having health issues. :'( I had mixed feelings about the news, since one quilter showed up ill and shared with many of us. Disappointed, yet relieved? I may not be cut out for retreats. lol! I'm glad you had a great time with your daughter. <3

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

aren't those pretty quilts!
But a quilt retreat with your daughter - even better! I would have loved that!
So great you had a wonderful time

Robin said...

Love the use of the blue checked gingham in that first quilt. Makes me what to replicate it.

Carol Andrews said...

Your retreat sounds like fun and I loved seeing the photos of the trunk show. What a treat to have a historian present to you all.

Marsha Cooper said...

We recently had the Mennonite Relief Sale here. Always so many beautiful quilts that they auction off.
Sadly I didn't get to go this year....first year I've missed, and I really missed being able to shop at the quilter's corner!

Lori said...

That first quilt looks modern. Such a lovely show and tell! I esp love the dolly quilts!
Retreats are always fun and refreshing. How cool you got to spend that time with your daughter too!

Jennifer said...

So fun to attend a quilt retreat in Shipshewana - my mom is there this weekend. I would be there too except for graduation activities at home. Looks like a neat talk with lots of beautiful quilts!