
Monday, May 1, 2023

Design Wall Monday - May 1, 2023

Happy May Basket Day!

I love May 1st and the memory of May baskets on front doors.  As you know, a lot of my quilts feature baskets, so on this May Day, I give you some repeat pictures from previous blog posts:

Here are the three quilts that I showed at the “show and tell” at the quilt retreat last week:

Pattern for this one is:  Birds of A Feather by Barb Adams and Alma Allen

In this picture, I’m pointing to the only basket block in my replica of the 225 block Jane Stickle Quilt.  I’m also wearing one of my mom’s aprons.

Baskets and more baskets in this quilt:

So Happy May Basket Day!  Join in our Design Wall Linky Party below and show us what you are making. 

 Later today I’m going to make a few baskets of flowers to put on the front doors of my neighbor’s houses.  When I was a child I would ring the doorbell, leave the basket, and run away.  My running days are in the past now, so I will greet them and explain what the tradition is all about.  Please tell us if you have any May Day basket experiences.  


maggie fellow said...

beautiful baskets and in quilts, even better than on a door

Gretchen Weaver said...

All of your quilts are so pretty! I especially like the basket quilt! Have a fun day distributing the May baskets to your neighbors.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

So clever of you to feature basket quilts on May 1st! Too much quilt fun, Judy! And yes, we delivered May Day baskets to our neighbors, as kids, rang the bell and ran!

Kat Scribner said...

Those quilts are gorgeous. I wouldn't be able to use them as they're more 'show stopper' kind.

Kate said...

Happy May Day! Your show and tell quilts are all beautiful! Have fun making your neighbors day.

Nann said...

When I was little we made construction-paper May baskets and hung them on the neighbors' doors. I recall that dandelions were the most plentiful flowers available! I've admired your sampler and the gold baskets as you've shown them and I admire them even more!

Bonnie said...

Sadly no basket deliveries in my background. It's always nice to see your beautiful embroidered baskets. And, WOW the quilting, piecing and applique on Birds of a Feather is wonderful.

Marti said...

I used to do the same thing when I was a little girl. I loved May Day just so I could leave those flowers.

Your quilts are amazing! When I first opened your post, I thought you were embroidering more baskets; they are so pretty.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I so enjoyed seeing those beautiful embroidered baskets again. How nice to have that photo of you in action and with that gorgeous quilt to show. All your quilts are beauties and what a lovely tradition!

LA Paylor said...

aweeeee I love a basket. I made a basket quilt with lots of repro feedsack prints, and still love it. Your embroidery is pretty

Melva said...

I remember making May baskets in school but we didn't have neighbors close enough to ring the bell and leave. So we got to enjoy the basket at home :)

Margo Yang said...

What a beautiful tradition! Your basket embroidery blocks are beautiful. Your quilts are all beautiful and lovely too. Wonderful eye candies!

Quilter Kathy said...

So many lovely quilted baskets! I don't know of this tradition, but I'd love to watch you leave a basket at my neighbours and run away!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy May Day, Judy. Such stitched and quilted baskets that you have shared. And how sweet to prepare some lovely baskets to share with your neighbors. You will be bringing many warm smiles. I plan to work on a small basket quilt myself today. Have a great week.

Angie in SoCal said...

Gorgeous quilts all! What a lovely idea to spreading Happy May Day. Blessings,

Anonymous said...


Sara said...

May baskets were such a fun tradition, and I'm glad I grew up when people still did the May baskets. your quilts are all gorgeous!

time4stitchn said...

Love all your embroidery baskets! So pretty! And your basket quilt with the diagonal pieced ones is just amazing. The combination of piecing and embroidery blocks is a wonderful design. I also am amazed at your Dear Jane quilt. I don't think I even want to attempt it.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

What an amazing collection of baskets!!
Happy May to you too!

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

Happy birthday my dear friend, we are as young as we feel, most days I feel about mentally 8 and physically 50-ish. I'll take it!
Congratulations and well done on finishing your Jane. I look at mine and marvel what a better quilter it made me. I had no idea you'd done the poster thing, what a good idea.
Love to you both, all well here, Sharyn

Celine said...

A great collection of baskets!