
Monday, May 22, 2023

Design Wall Monday - May 22, 2023

 Good Morning Quilters!

Well, I took the Benjamin Biggs Quilt down from the design wall, and decided to work on another quilt for a while.

This UFO was a free online 365 blocks (one for each day) project from Kathryn Kerr in 2016.  The website is (Here)  I think the blocks are repeated every year for new quilt makers, with a few changes.  When I finished the blocks, I put them up on the design wall, and there was so much going on that I didn't like the quilt. It was way to busy for me to appreciate the work I'd done in each individual block.

Here is a picture on my design wall of about half of the blocks.  The pattern has another dark blocks square around the outside, and then another light blocks square after that.  But the blocks all together left me underwhelmed.  And you know I like to be whelmed......(not over or under), just whelmed.

So in 2016, I put them away.

Now they are out, and  I am thinking about making 2 or maybe 3 quilts out of these 365 blocks.....with giving some space for the eye to rest between the busy blocks.  Mine are all browns and pinks in repro fabrics, and I will be experimenting with possible layouts.  I am looking at vintage style quilts for inspiration.  The blocks are 6 inch blocks, and 12 inch blocks.

These two ideas would be for the smaller blocks:

or possibly this layout:

For the larger blocks, I could use eight of the pink ones and for the middle stripe, use some of the smaller pink ones with a small pink print:

But nothing is decided, and I will be playing with layouts on the design wall this week.  Maybe something will say "this is the one".  Any thoughts you have would be welcome.  I'd like to get these 365 blocks made into finished quilts.

What is on your design wall this week?  Or what are you sewing on?  Please join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and show us.   Thank you all who participate.  You inspire me each week.  Please link back to this blog post from your blog post, and mention Design Wall Mondays in your blog.  


Preeti said...

Achieving the correct range of whelmed is indeed a challenge. So much potential in these blocks that 2 or 3 quilts might be the minimum requirement. Here is hoping you find the Goldilocks moment with them. Those little basket blocks are cute as a button!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I'm downloading the patterns for the 365 Day quilt this year. I think the idea is really interesting but they're a blur when they're all set together. There's too much work in these blocks to not be able to appreciate each one. Looking forward to some great ideas, happy stitching!

Pam said...

I actually finished this quilt. It left me with permanent small triangle phobia 😁. Looking forward to seeing what you do with your blocks

Sara said...

Those are beautiful blocks. Each of your new plans would let those small blocks really be the star of the quilt.

Kate said...

You've got some fun starting places for those blocks. I do like the center and that round of brown blocks. What if you kept the center as is, then used those brown blocks to make 2 rounds of borders, with some light pink in border strips in between? Or pull the brown out and just leave it with all pink in a couple of pieced borders?

Bonnie said...

Ooooh. Have fun playing with your 365 blocks. (That is a lot of blocks!) I agree the blocks need someplace to rest the eye but I have no suggestions. I'll look forward to seeing what you do with it!

Rebecca Grace said...

Well, you said ANY thoughts were welcome, but I bet you won't care for mine! ;-). Because I am head over heels in LOVE with that photo of all of the blocks on your design wall. To me it looks like a masterpiece that I could stand in front of and admire for hours, like a masterpiece in a museum. But it doesn't matter one bit what I think since it's not my quilt! Your ideas for breaking up the blocks into separate quilts are lovely options. I like them all and have no preference for one over the others. I just hope we will get to see more of this project (or these multiple projects!) in whatever form you decide to proceed!

Carol Andrews said...

Judy I do like your pretty 365 blocks. I’m in love with this quilt and even started a couple of blocks, but missed some patterns and quit. I love them all together but also really like your ideas for separating them in to several quilts. Im sure it/they will be beautiful. I’m looking forward to seeing what you decide on. Thank you for hosting us! 😉

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

"Whelmed" is good, I agree. Wonderful collection of blocks and I'm so happy you are looking to give them the final treatments they so deserve. I love that colour combination and began collecting fabrics to make a similar quilt. You've got wonderful ideas there, Judy.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

iam with you - I need to be just whelmed! I do like all those blocks tho! and the color choices are beautiful - I hope you find something you really love!!!

Marsha Cooper said...

a block each day for a year? interesting thought, but I don't see any way for me to accomplish that lol

Celine said...

Beautiful. I started it too but I'm stuck to the first darker border. Maybe one day! Good luck with yours