
Monday, May 15, 2023

Design Wall Monday - May 15, 2023

Good Morning Quilters!

Mother's Day was yesterday, and I received some beautiful orchids from my son and his family.  Here is a picture:

Wow!  They are so beautiful and will last for a long time.  I am going to read up on them, and see if I can learn how to get them to rebloom.  They are on the coffee table in the living room, and I smile every time I walk past them.

Last year when I tallied up all my UFOs, I made a pledge to finish them before starting any new projects.  But I've found that it is impossible, as there are new projects that I want to start all the time.  So I have modified my pledge to include a few new projects along with the UFO finishing goal.  It's all good.  And a woman has a right to change her mind.....often.

One new project is a signature star block exchange with the ladies that I meet with twice a year in Shipshewana, Indiana.  This fall we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary of when they started the group. and there is a block exchange that I am joining for the occasion.  I haven't been meeting with them for the whole time, but they are such a lovely group of ladies and I love them so.  It makes me want to make a quilt with all of their signatures on it.  

Another new project that I have started is one that a group of about 12 friends are making.  It looked like such fun that I had to join in.   It's a pattern called "Cousin's Walk" and is an older pattern.  It is an applique quilt, with a lot of primitive birds.  Here is one of my bird blocks:

And I am still happily crocheting along with the project that I showed you last week.  It is on the home stretch, and that makes me happy.

What projects are you starting, finishing, or ones that are on your design wall?  Today will be a "clean up the quilting room" day as it is much needed.  Who made such a mess in there?    Me.  and it is up to me to get it cleaned up.  I like to set a timer and hurry around putting things away until the timer rings.  Do you ever do that?

I'm looking forward to seeing what you have to show us this week.  Join in the Design Wall Monday LInky Party below and tell us what you are up to.  Thanks for all of your posts and link ups.  I appreciate you!

And Happy Mothers Day to all of you who are Mothers.  I hope you had a lovely day Sunday.


maggie fellow said...

It looks like a wonderful quilt to start - no wonder you are starting it. Your bird is lovely.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Orchids are surprisingly not difficult to take care of. You'll have blooms again next year. The new applique projects looks like you, happy stitching!

Kate said...

Sounds like you had a nice Mother's Day. Love your new bird block project. I've been so diligent about nothing but UFOs for the last 3 years and after awhile you just need to do something new. Pairing a new project with a UFO sounds like a really good idea. Good luck with both the rest of the year.

Julierose said...

I love that Cousin's Walk--I couldn't find the pattern anywhere, though...
Are those orchids? So beautiful...hugs, Julierose

Bonnie said...

Nice start on a new project. The bird is darling. (Although I admit I'd do this block(s) in wild colors! Lovely orchid. I don't know much about them myself but I hear the blooms last a really long time. I hope you can enjoy them for the next few months!(?)

Sara said...

Your orchids are gorgeous! I bought a big bunch of carnations for myself on Friday, and have been enjoying the flowers.

Nancy said...

Your Cousins Walk block is beautiful. Love the red, gold, and greens you used together.
It's really hard not to start something new. (And it's hard not to buy more fabric, too.) Good for you to amend your goal.

Robin said...

I've wanted to make the Cousins Walk Quilt for a number of years but I could never find a pattern. You are fortunate to be able to have it. Your block looks great!

Marsha Cooper said...

My daughter got some ice orchids from her youngest daughter for Mother's Day.