
Monday, May 13, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 13, 2024

 Happy Mother’s Day!

Well, I am ashamed to admit my binding project of the last two weeks hasn’t progressed to the finish line.   Two sides are finished, and two yet to go.  I have no excuses, but here are some feeble attempts at ones:

1) It’s spring and so many other distractions are happening.

2) Several friends have no car transportation right now, and hubby and/or I have been giving people rides to and fro.

3) I bought some plants and received a gift of a new gardening tool for my birthday.  It is a very sharp Japanese hand hoe, and I now have three stitches in my right hand palm.  So gardening has also stopped temporarily until my cut heals.  Note to self:  Be more careful!!!  And wear gardening gloves!!

4) I’m scheduled for knee replacement surgery on June 3rd, and have several “pre-op” tasks on my schedule.  The operation is something that I’m looking forward to because it is needed, but not looking forward to at the same time - ya know what I mean?

So, here I am on a Monday, with not much happening on my binding project.  I will share what is now up on the design wall:

(The white thing in the foreground is my sewing machine cover). I rearranged my sewing room so the sewing machine faces the windows, so I can enjoy the view of the woods outside.  It used to face the design wall, which was nice too.  See the machine placement now, in the middle of the room:

The hourglass and hst quilt on the design wall needs top and side blocks of a border added.  I am sewing them in “blocks” of 6X6 hourglass units, as you can see in the picture below:

Each hourglass finishes at two inches square, so the units finish at 12”X12” This is the part of a quilt where I want a fairy godmother to whisk her wand and make the project complete.

What is on your design wall?  Thank you so much for joining our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  I so appreciate you, and I look forward to reading your blogs.   And I especially love seeing your project pictures. 


Gretchen Weaver said...

Sewing always slows down in the spring. I'll have to check out Japanese hoes, you really were getting rid of weeds! I suggest you prep plenty of handwork for your recovery in June. Happy stitching!

Preeti said...

So sorry about all the needed and avoidable distractions hurting your sewjo. Hope everything goes well with the surgery. The design wall will wait. I can guarantee that those 2" bits will stay right there, and at the same itty-bitty size when you return.

searsportquilter said...

Don't forget to tape down the power cords that cross the floor!

Kat Scribner said...

Hope you have a successful surgery and easy rehab recovery. Come back soon.

cityquilter grace said...

wow love that quilt...and oh those gorgeous hour glass blocks....very nice indeed

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I heard those knives were pretty sharp - take care

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Good Grief...that hoe sounds very dangerous. Hope you heal fast! It is also daunting to face any surgery but the knee replacement is such a successful one these days. You are right to look forward to having it done and behind you. I love the look of those blocks. I'm appliqueing hour glass blocks these days and enjoying it.

Bonnie said...

You will enjoy looking out your windows while sewing. (As long as you don't start staring and forget to sew!) My machine looks out of French doors to stairs up to the back yard and a busy bird feeder. Every once in a while I see a flash of brilliant blue when a blue bird comes to eat. We also get a lot of yellow finches. I know I'm entertained when the birds are around the feeder. But I do try to keep sewing and only glance up once in a while. It will be better for you when you've got your bionic knee. Just be really good about doing your exercises so you can get back into things.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Beautiful hourglass blocks!!
But ouch!!! 3 stitches is no fun - and on your hand is about the worst spot!!! Heal fast!

Elle said...

As the owner of 2 fabulous knee replacements, I can tell you to look forward to recovery. Each day a few more steps, another block and by 90 days a few miles. I hope you'll get an icing machine-it's miraculous for pain relief and significantly less swelling than otherwise occurs. I'm soooo excited for you! I can do ANYTHING I want including walk 10 miles in a day and arrived there about 6 months post-op.

Pom Poms shaking for you!!!!!

LA Paylor said...

your quilt and machine cover are so pretty

Melva said...

It sounds like your "excuses" are real. I'll keep you in my prayers as your approach and recover from your surgery. Blessings!

Sara said...

Hopefully your hand will heal before the knee surgery. I know what you mean by looking forward to it and not at the same time. Once you heal up after surgery, life will be much easier without knee pain. Your machine looks great with a window view.

Chrisknits said...

All I can say is OH MY!!! That is one awesome project!!!

Pam said...

Best wishes for the healing of your hand and for successful and uneventful surgery and recovery

Kate said...

Hope you hand is healing nicely. Hopefully knee surgery will go well. My best advice is to do the physical therapy, it may hurt, but it was the fastest way to get back strength and mobility.

Marsha Cooper said...

I sure know all about distractions!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, don't be too hard on have lots of things going on! Best of luck with the surgery and do take care when gardening. :-) I love being able to look out the window when I work - unfortunately it was either the computer or the sewing machine - and the computer won.

dq said...

Super cute sewing space and much larger than mine!
Your quilt on the design wall is so stunning!!!

Jennifer in Indy said...

Best wishes on your knee surgery this week - hope all goes well and you aren’t in too much pain through your recovery!