
Monday, September 9, 2024

Design Wall Monday - September 9, 2024

Good Morning Quilters!

The baby quilt is quilted, and ready to send off to the new baby.  I cheated:  instead of quilting it myself and dealing with the stretchy flannel back, I took it to a friend and she did a wonderful job!  Much better than I would have done!  

And it is finished.  Here are a few pictures:

First, the complete quilt.

Second, a square up close, the turtle:

The back side showing the butterfly quilting.  So cute!

My next UFO that has been pulled out is a quilt kit.  Pictured below:

It is part of the Marcus “Collection for a Cause” series.  The collection series are mostly reproductions of vintage quilts, and I liked the fabrics in this repro kit.  I started it, but was challenged by cutting angles and having block edges on the bias.  But now I am attempting it again, and have started making the “four patch” diamond blocks.  There are about 100 of them, and I am just starting - 12 made so far.  

The weather here in Michigan has been hinting fall….cooler nights and sunny 70s in the daytime.  I hope it lasts for a while.  

What is on your design wall?  Mine is empty right now, but will soon have the UFO diamonds. up there.   We are looking forward to seeing what you are working on.  Thank you for faithfully linking up with our Design Wall Monday Linky Party each week.  You are a blessing to me.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Bonnie said...

Your finished baby quilt is darling. Good for you to get the next UFO out.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Those diamonds look challenging but doable. Slow and steady makes a complete quilt!

Kate said...

Very cute baby quilt! Your next project is gorgeous. You are so much braver than I am! Piecing diamonds is rather frightening. Maybe you can share some tricks as you go along?

Kat Scribner said...

Your embroideries and the finished quilt is SO adorable!

Sara said...

SD has begun to see those cooler nights too. I really like fall, except for the earlier sunsets. The baby quilt is so sweet, and your embroidery is just lovely. I'm intrigued by those diamonds, but have no doubt you will have no troubles with that design.

Anonymous said...

Your baby quilt is wonderful. Love it

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, your animal quilt is gorgeous! Those diamonds are going to look great also. Have a good week.