
Monday, October 28, 2019

Design Wall Monday - October 28, 2019

Good Morning Quilters!  Yesterday was the daylight savings time change for most of the world, but in the United States it will be next Sunday, November 3rd.  I am looking forward to gaining an hour.  I'm sure I'll get a lot more quilting done, right?  ha ha

Added info:  edited to link to "Let's Make Baby Quilts" post which is found HERE
at Michelle's Romantic Tangle blog.  Thanks for the info Angie! 

I want to show you a cute baby blanket that I just finished.  A friend, Dee, gave me the cats, surfboards and fish novelty fabric many years ago, and it is finally in a baby quilt.  She will be so pleased!  The quilt is made of 3.5 inch squares, 9 across and 10 down.  The back of the quilt and the binding are the same plaid as the front squares.

Isn't the fabric cute?  Who thinks up these things?

Here's a picture of the complete quilt (32 inches by 35 inches) on the design wall:

What's on your design wall?  I did better this last week in looking at your design walls, but still didn't get to all of them.  This week I am looking forward to spending more time seeing what you are working on.

As always, please refer back to this particular blog post from somewhere within your blog post.  I think there are a few who aren't doing this, and I hope you all can figure out how to do it.  Thanks!  Ask me if you need help.


Kate said...

Very fun baby quilt. Love the plaid with those kitties.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I didn't realize not everyone changed the clocks on the same day for those countries that do it - how confusing - then I remembered the US had changed the day from mid-October to November

Julierose said...

I know some of the US states do not change at all--makes for confusing travel--right? Anyway,,,love that little kitty with fish print; and how you set it is so cute nice work hugs, Julierose

AnnieO said...

Very cute fabric, the cats and the plaid! Darling.

In California we have passed a bill to keep Daylight Savings Time year round, like Arizona and other states, but it has not yet been approved by the Legislature. Maybe next year!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Cute novelty fabric! And great use of plaid, this is a kind of fabric I don't own, not really knowing what to do with it. Your project is a great idea!

Sara said...

Your baby quilt is adorable with those fabrics. I found a set of 6" blocks over the weekend, and put them together in the same layout. However, the fabrics in mine are not nearly as fun. And the quilt is only about 30" square so I'm not sure yet what to do with it.

For the love of geese said...

Hand raised, I'm guilty. Every post I write I add the linky party links even if I don't have anything to contribute at the time. It's just easiest to copy and paste. I'll do better. Your baby quilt is cute. I love the plaid with the kitties.

Angie in SoCal said...

Darling baby quilt - love that fun cat fabric. Go on over the Let's Make Baby Quilts to show it off -

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

How adorable!!