
Monday, November 4, 2019

Design Wall Monday - November 4, 2019

Remember this quilt?  It has 1,300 broken dishes "blocks" in it, and each broken dishes "block" has four hsts, so eight small pieces of fabric there.   Each hst finishes at 1 inch, so the four hsts that compose a broken dishes "block" finish at 2 in. x 2 in.

Here's another picture from when I was starting to make it:

The binding has been completed on it this week.  This one is 100" x 100" and it took all week to hand sew down the binding.  Here is a picture of the old quilt top that I used as inspiration:

And here is my finished quilt hanging over the railing in my hallway, which shows only about 1/3 of it.  I will need to find a place to take a picture of the whole quilt.

A picture of it on my couch in the living room (where I tested it out today for a nap:

Here is a picture showing the Baptist Fan quilting pattern done by my long arm quilter, and the binding, which matches the background fabric:

What is on your design wall this week?  I loved looking at all the projects this last week.  You are making great progress.

When you link up and show a picture of your project, please provide a link back to this particular blog post somewhere within your blog post.  Thanks!


Gretchen Weaver said...

Your broken dishes quilt is beautiful! This is quite an accomplishment, that's a lot of little HST's. Happy Stitching!

Kate said...

Love your Broken Dishes quilt! That's a lot of little pieces to stitch together to make such a large quilt. Congrats on the finish.

Nann said...

Judy, your quilt is breathtaking! I love the chain design. And the colors. And the quilting. It is just super.

Carolyn said...

What a beautiful quilt! Love the colors....

Chris said...

This is really beautiful!

MaryC said...

that took perseverance! congratulations on a job well DONE! :-)

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

This is stunning. Thanks for the close ups!

Sara said...

Wow!! Your quilt is gorgeous!! It's much prettier than the inspiration quilt.

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

total show stopper, well done. I am thinking fabrics for a 1/2 size mystery this year. I always think of you saying a few years ago "I am so over mysteries" :) I'm thinking shirts this year, but lots of time to think yet. Getting harder and harder to work out of stash, there isn't a ton left of real choices.

Lori said...

Congratulations on that amazing quilt finish! It's so beautiful!

Jacqueline said...

Beyond amazing!!

Lady Locust said...

OH WOW! That's it, just OH WOW!!!

Susan said...

Wow! Beautiful quilt!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I am so in awe of this quilt! Did you follow a pattern or make your own design. I know I have asked you this before, but that was awhile back! LOL
It is a beautiful work of art!

Rebecca Grace said...

Judy, your Broken Dishes quilt is amazing. Thirteen HUNDRED of those little blocks?! WOW!!

QuiltGranma said...

My! What a treasure you have made there! Love Baptist fan quilting too, one of my favorites!

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

WOW! What a fantastic quilt - I love it. It's classic and so special. Congratulations on such a beautiful finish.

For the love of geese said...

It is a beautiful finish.

Quilter Kathy said...

That is spectacular Judy! Such a lot of stitching in that project! An amazing accomplishment!

cspoonquilt said...

Your top is amazing! What patience you have.! I have a many-hst project that I have been ignoring, I'm going to get it out, you have inspired me!!