
Monday, June 10, 2024

Design Wall Monday - June 10,2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

This is the last picture of me with my vintage 81 year old right knee before it got replaced with the new one.  DH took a picture of me in my lovely “disposable fabric” hospital gown in the pre surgery area last Monday morning.

Of course, after we figured out how to unfold it and get the thing on, I remembered that the nurse had wanted me to swipe down my entire body with antibiotic wipes before I put it on….which I had forgotten to do.  That’s what we were laughing about as I posed for my “before” picture…….that I would have to take it off again and do the wipes….and then hopefully figure out how it went back on.  These hospital staffs have us do everything for them nowadays!  haha   

So surgery went very-very well, and I was back at home by 2:00 PM the same day!  All week long I’m in pjs, compression socks, ace bandages around my right knee, an ice water pump attached to my knee area, and a big blue elevation wedge under my right leg.  Any walking is done with a walker.

Wedge looks like this:

DH aka “Nurse” takes care of me very very well.  A Physical Therapy Nurse comes to visit twice a week for these first two weeks, and she says I’m doing very well also. 

Friends stopped in, bringing flowers, food, and well wishes all week long.  Calls, texts, emails, all week long.  AND, it wasn’t planned, but you who have known me a long time, know that I love tennis.  It was French Open week!  and there was great tennis on tv all week long.  Serendipity! 

Nurse Penny Lane thought that besides the compression socks, I needed a little dog “chest compression” time.  She did her best to comfort me, and was especially helpful with nap time.  She is a very good nap taker.


Quilting should resume next week, as I am mending so fast.  There are lots of people praying for a speedy recovery for me, and I can feel God’s blessings every day.  Thank you for carrying on here for me last week.  And thank you to those of you who prayed.  I am mending fast.

My design wall looks the same, so no pictures of it for you this week.  Join the Design Wall Linky Party below and dazzle us with something please.  You provide us with such great pictures and blog posts.  Thanks!


Gretchen Weaver said...

I'm glad your recovery is coming along so well. You'll be back out on the tennis court soon!

Pam said...

So pleased that your surgery went well

Preeti said...

You win the best smile and disposition among the post-surgery category :-D I am sure you will be up and running in no time. Sending healing wishes.

maggie fellow said...

so glad for your recovery

Vicki in MN said...

Glad to hear surgery went so good and you are recovering fast!

Kate said...

So glad to hear you are recovering quickly and well. It's so nice that Penny is so willing to help you recover. Hope things continue to go well for you this week and that you are off the walker soon.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I must say I thought you were younger than 81!! you look younger. Have a good recovery

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Glad to hear it all went well. and you have the best set of nurses there - My Penny Lane seems to know whats best . Although she looks a little to comfortable there haha!!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I'd like to add my good wishes to the list too, Judy. Yes to healing fast and what a happy looking patient you are! It is wonderful to have such an attentive helper not just by your side LOL, which will surely speed the healing. Take Care now.

Sara said...

I'm very glad you are recovering so quickly. Having PT come to you is awesome. I took one of my friends for her first couple of PT appointments after her knee replacement. Getting in and out of the house, navigating steps, and then in and out of the car - was worse than the therapy itself.

Elle said...

As the owner of 2 perfectly fabulous knees, I am sooooo excited for you! and the icing machine is better than any pill! I never needed narcotics. I will say though, I didn't sew for 6 weeks as it wasn't comfortable to stand/cut/iron for more than 3-4 minutes nor sit with my knee bent down-swelling. I know we are all different, simply don't want you to be disappointed if you find the same. I can easily walk 7-10 miles though and painfree! CHEERS!

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that you're doing well!
Andrea in MO

LA Paylor said...

what a pretty patient... smiling but not antibacterial... imagine do it yourself pre op.

Nann said...

Going into the surgery with that smile is a sure-fire way to promote recovery! Glad it went well.

Bonnie said...

You look do cute in your undecipherable hospital gown. Doesn't it just blow your mind that you are released from the hospital so early? Keep up your exercises. I've been told by friends that pressing that foot pedal is great PT! Let's hope your recovery continues apace.

marilyn said...

What??? You're 81??? No way.Glad to hear you are doing well after surgery. Is it a titanium Knee? Love your blog.
take care,

Chrisknits said...

Oh, I feel for you! I am having foot surgery on Wednesday, not looking forward to it, but it's needed. Hope your doggo continues to aid in your healing!LOL

Annelein said...

Hope you can walk very soon. Take care....

Rebecca Grace said...

Judy, you are adorable! I’ll bet you brought a lot of sunshine with you into the operating room and put all those doctors and nurses in a good mood. Your fantastic attitude is going to help you heal even faster. I hope you just relax and take good care of yourself and wish you a smooth and speedy recovery.

Marsha Cooper said...

Glad to know all went well. My 58 yr old knees....and hips, are giving me problems. I don't think they will make it to 81!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, I'm so glad that you're mending quickly. Take good care of yourself, and naps with Penny are highly recommended!