
Monday, June 17, 2024

Design Wall Monday - June 17, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

What is on your design wall?  As most of you know, I am recovering from knee surgery that happened two Mondays ago.  Everything is going as planned and I will go to the surgeon’s office to have the stitches (actually staples) removed in two days.  My progress has been great in all areas except getting back to my design wall.  So my design wall looks the same as it did two weeks ago.

This week will probably be the week that I get back to making hourglass blocks so I can finish the left border.  We shall see.

On June 15th, we celebrated 61 years of married bliss.  We ventured out of the house that day to go to a graduation party, and on the way there, we stopped at a drug store to buy me a cane.  I am recovering enough from a borrowed walker to move to using a cane.  Anyway, when we got back into the car after purchasing the cane, hubby looked at me with a grin and said “Happy Anniversary”.  lol. 

Actually, a cane is probably a needed 61 year anniversary present in a lot of cases.  I must report that he also bought me flowers and candy, and has been a great nurse while I’ve been laid up.  I am blessed to have such a great hubby.

What is new on your design wall?  Or what are you working on?  Please link up below and show us.  Reading your blogs and seeing your pictures makes us happy.  Thanks for joining our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It is good to hear that you are doing well in the healing process, Judy. Happy Anniversary! 61 years- How wonderful. Have a great day.

Pam said...

Happy anniversary Judy and Lloyd

Gretchen Weaver said...

I'm glad your recovery is coming along so well, how wonderful you progressed from a walker to a cane! Soon you'll be walking without the cane and playing tennis again. Happy stitching!

maggie fellow said...

happy anniversary - they should amend the anniversary list to include a cane LOL

Vicki in MN said...

Happy Anniversary, 61 years is amazing! Glad to hear your recovery is going well too.

Nann said...

Happy anniversary! Glad your mobility is improving. Just don't overdo it! I like the way the dark strips provide a demarcation for the different units in your lovely WIP.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad you knee is doing better - Happy Anniversary - you have me beat today is our 52nd

Marsha Cooper said...

Currently on my wall are 2 table runners and a baby quilt waiting to be listed on eBay.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, I'm glad that you're getting the support you need from hubby. Happy anniversary! Hope you get back to stitching soon - but don't over do it!!! Take care.

Quilter Kathy said...

Hope your recovery continues to go well.
Happy Anniversary and how wonderful you got a caring partner to take care of you!