
Monday, July 13, 2020

Design Wall Monday - July, 13, 2020

Good Morning Quilters! I made some progress on the quilts I am making for the Churn Dashers of Tidewater Virginia’s display in a quilt show next spring.  The pink setting fabric on this one is a Judie Rothermel fabric named “Judie’s Album Quilt”.  Seems appropriate that I named my quilt “Judy’s Album Quilt”.  

This picture was taken before I trimmed down the outside setting triangle blocks.  I always make them a little larger and trim them down, so I am sure they aren’t too small.  The quilt top now measures 66” by 82”.  

Next, I am working on some vintage album blocks that I unsewed, trimmed to make the pieces uniform sizes, and am reconstructing.  I cut the smallest old pieces to the biggest size I could make them and still have them a uniform size. Then, I took that size, and cut all the other pieces to coordinate with it.  The blocks are the same design as the quilt above, but smaller.  Their finished block size will be 8.25” by 8.25”.  Here is “before trimming” and “after trimming” pictures of the pieces of one block:

Original varied sizes
Now cut to uniform sizes

Here is a block that has been redone to the new size, except it hasn’t been trimmed to the final size of 8.75” by 8.75”.  Notice the outside white pieces are again a little oversized, as I hate it when they turn out too small.  I’d much rather trim them up and admire a block perfectly squared up.  The background is “Civil War Album II by Pam Weeks Circa 1863 for Newcastle Fabrics” that I am probably using with the vintage blocks.

Also, I am continuing to work on the embroidery squares of vintage baskets.   Here is the “strange French knot flower” block, with a satin stitch center.  I am not good at satin stitch, but it is finished, and I’m moving on.  I think I have 16 blocks right now.

What are you working on (or playing with) on your design wall this week?  Remember to mention this blog and provide a link to this particular post somewhere within your post.  Thanks very much, and I’m looking forward to enjoying your pictures.


Gretchen Weaver said...

As usual, your embroidery is so cute! Your quilt looks authentic. You've always like making little mini quilts, this one is a cutie too. Happy stitching!

Kate said...

Judy's Album quilt is coming along beautifully. I too would much rather cut down then be short on a block. The embroidered block turned out pretty well too. Happy stitching this week.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love the quilt

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I always enjoy seeing these baskets. Of course, your quilts are a treat too. I've finally learned that trick too of having edging triangles a little larger to give room for allowances.

Sara said...

The album quilt is just stunning!! Great job!

Tina W. In Oregon said...

Glad to see I’m not the only one who re-makes blocks from vintage fabric. I think the mystery flower you just finished may be a clematis. The basket blocks are really going to make a great quilt!

Denise said...

I love your Churn Dashers quilt, the fabrics mesh together so well. One more fabulous embroidery block, that is going to be a beautiful quilt. You should push everything else aside and get this finished.

AnnieO said...

Love the album blocks. Your stitchery journey has been fun to watch too. How many blocks are there left to finish? Seems you have done quite a few already.

Nann said...

The album blocks look great! Thank goodness for modern assembly methods. I've been going through some old (early 1980's) quilt magazines with exact-size templates and directions to "add 1/4 inch to each piece." Glad we can cut larger and trim down nowadays!

Dresden Quilter said...

The album quilt looks great. You have been working on a lot of fabulous projects.

dq said...

Judie's pink is perfect in the border! I like how you used the same fabric all the way around as a frame!

You finished basket is so beautiful!

Rebecca Grace said...

"Strange French Flower Knot" is a funny name, but you know, there's something about that ghost of a flower made entirely of knots that feels very much authentically vintage. Like, a designer today would not have done that. But that makes me like it all the more.

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

Very nice albumn quilt, so classic. It's always a pleasure to see your embroidered baskets - I mean, charm through the roof!

chrisknits said...

I can't even imagine taking apart blocks and redoing them! Kudos to your dedication!!

QuiltGranma said...

I love album quilts, aka: Chimney Sweep. Beautiful work you are doing.