
Monday, July 20, 2020

Design Wall Monday - July 20, 2020

Good Morning Quilters!  Progress is being made this past week on my third Chimney Sweep/Album quilt for my Virginia group’s display next spring.  This third one is made of vintage fabric and I am admiring each square when it is completed.  Such pretty rich browns.  Here is the layout so far, but there are 11 more blocks to make and then assembly into a quilt top.  

The little baggies in the above picture have the block pieces I’ve re-cut from the old quilt top.  And here are close-ups of some of the beautiful old fabrics: 

The basket block hasn’t gotten too far this week, but it is started.  Here is my start on it:  


What are you doing?  Last week’s pictures were full of beautiful work.  I appreciate your links so much.  Please provide a link back to this post from somewhere in your blog post.   Thanks!


Kate said...

Beautiful rich browns in those fabrics. I like that vase on your newest embroidered block. Very elegant.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like the bits of red mixed in with those brown fabric - nice!

Bonnie said...

Your vintage album blocks are looking wonderful. I can't remember if you are taking apart fabric and then using them in the same block or having to cut the fabric up. Your baggies of blocks makes a lot of sense. I'm going to copy that idea with a quilt I"m slowly working on getting the right fabric. I didn't know you have connections to Virginia. I'm curious which group will be having a spring display. Hope you have a great quilty week.

Zenia Rene said...

The vintage browns bring to mind rich and creamy chocolate bars!

Preeti said...

Love the chocolate browns and love love the geometric block!!! Does it have a name?

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I love how it looks on your rustic bed!!! Is it from Montana? I'm wondering what that style bed is called.

Nann said...

When you have a strong directional print -- like the alternate blocks for the album quilt -- do you deliberately orient the print? (I get a little OCD about such things.)

Sandy said...

That will be one magnificent quilt, Judy. I love how you are giving new life to those gorgeous fabrics. Did you ever post a picture of the original top from which they were rescued?

Lots of intriguing stuff on the design walls this morning ...

AnnieO said...

Gorgeous vintage fabrics, love those rich browns and your striped setting squares. Happy stitching on that unusual shaped vase!

Sara said...

Chimney Sweep is looking wonderful.

Sylvia said...

I love album blocks! I have a set of parts to make a quilt of this design. I should really pull them out and sew them together. I love the old fashioned feel of your fabrics.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, some of those fabrics are really cool! Good luck. It's coming along well.

Cynthia@wabi-sabi-quilts said...

Those are beautiful old fabrics and you are doing them justice with your piecing. Just beautiful.

Katy Sweigart said...

I just love this quilt! The fabrics are gorgeous and it is one if my favorite blocks.

QuiltGranma said...

Love your progress! Today I worked on hand basting fabric over hexi shapes for about an hour, then had to quit, my hands hurt if I keep going more than an hour with hand work. So, on to other things!

dq said...

You are gutsy to use stripes. They can be tricky!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Man do I love this!! Love the colors and the designs on the fabrics - its going to be outstanding!