
Monday, December 14, 2020

Design Wall Monday - December 14, 2020

 Good Morning Quilters!  This morning Covid 19 vaccines are being distributed all over the United States.  That makes me happy.  Also, it snowed this last weekend, one of those wet snows that makes me want to make a snowman.  I think the east coast is getting snow this week.

I finished another May Day Basket block.  This makes 20 finished and 10 to go.  I am actually enjoying French knots more and more with each block.  It is amazing.  Here is a pic of #20:

My friend Joan and I are working on our Cynthia England kits tonight.  I talked about it last Monday 
(Here)  Below is my kit as it is right now.  I’ve divided my remaining sections into three groups and I hope to finish it in a few more sessions.

One issue I see is that I have worked on several separate sections by themselves, and now that I will soon join these big sections together......

.....I will have a problem where the edges are not straight.  The mood I am in now is that I will just make it  work.  With all that is going on in our world in 2020, this is  a tiny tiny issue. 

What are you working on this week?  Please link up and show us.  I only ask that you talk about Design Wall Mondays somewhere within your post and that you provide a link back to this particular post.  You are such a mood lifter to us all and we look forward to your weekly post.  Thank you!


Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

That Featherweight quilt is going to be so good when you finish and hang it up!!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I am looking forward to seeing this piece when you are done with it.

For the love of geese said...

Sending you good vibes that those not straight edges do not present a problem. Lovely basket as usual. Thank you for the linky party.

Quilter Kathy said...

I am a teeny tiny bit worried about those edges and am wondering how to fix that so the edges line up. I watched the video on this technique and am very intrigued ;)

LA Paylor said...

looking at your cynthia england piece gave me a shudder. I never enjoyed my papers flipping off, repositioning them, and trying to keep it in order. I LOVE her work, and all the pieces but this is harder than say, foundation piecing. As to your non straight edge. How does the front look. If it's a bit distorted then I'd try to sew it on the lines, wet it after and block it. It's probably from so much repressing, and fabric weave will adapt if you wet then heat press it.

PLUS C.E. is so nice, betcha she'd have a FAQ page about this issue or talk to you about how to fix it. Have you contacted her? her website has an actual phone number you can call. I remember once wanting to order some Caryl Breyer Fallert fabric, calling and she actually answered so I got to talk to her.
You said you could make it work... I think you're exactly right especially since the picture is a bit abstract

Sara said...

Your May basket blocks are turning out so pretty. They have that wonderful vintage feel. Beautiful stitching!

Kate said...

Very pretty basket! Enjoy your time with your new project, hopefully it will work out better than you think.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, I'm glad that you are enjoying the French knots because there are so many of them! Your Cynthia England project looks intriguing. I can't wait to see it! Take care and enjoy the snow. We got some today - just a light covering but better than rain!