
Monday, December 28, 2020

Design Wall Monday - December 28, 2020

Happy New Year! 2021 here we come!!

The Cynthia England kits that Joan Brink and I did were a lot of fun to do together, and we had a “reveal” party where we took off all the papers from the front of our projects, and here are the pictures from that evening:

Before we started:


And after we tore all the papers off:

The big reveal:

Joan is going to add borders to her kitty picture and make a wall hanging.  I plan to make my sewing machine picture into a cover for my sewing machine.  

The week between Christmas and New Years is always a very leisurely one for me.  I do plan to re-evaluate all of my UFOs, and see how much smaller the list is than last January.   Also, I plan to set some UFO goals.  How about you?

If you would like to join the Design Wall Monday party, lovely. Link up your blog below, and show us what you are working on.  It doesn’t even have to be on a design wall.  Just remember to mention this blog and provide a link back to this blog post, and we are good. 


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Hi, Judy. You and Joan look like ya'll had so much fun with your projects and loved seeing the reveal. I plan on evaluating my projects too. I hope to get some of my UFOs completed in the new year. Thank you for hosting Design Wall Monday. I look forward to participating more. Happy quilting, Melisa

Gretchen Weaver said...

This turned out beautiful and will be a lovely sewing machine cover. Thanks for the weekly link up. Happy New Year and happy stitching!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wow, so many tiny little pieces!! Great job, both of you, and beautiful mini quilts!

Kate said...

Taking off all those papers had to be a job! But doing it together was a great idea to make sure you didn't stall on that step. Looking forward to seeing what your quilting plans are for 2021. I've got my 2021 UFO list pulled together, but not posted yet.

Louise SS said...

Wow!!! Those are gorgeous!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

It was worth holding your breath until the paper came off! Awesome finishes!!!

chrisknits said...

Oh my, what stunning pieces!! Great job on both.

Bonnie said...

Wonderful finishes. You both did fantastic jobs. I haven’t put much thought to establishing year long goals. I may need to update my ufo list as I’ve got more to put on it I’m sure. And, then there is the list of tops awaiting finishing. I looked at it the other day and was surprised that several tops weren’t on it either. You’ve pointed out what I need to work on over the next few weeks!

Cynthia England said...

So fun to see the progress. I like to take off the paper pieces as I go; just leaving the corners on.
You girls did a beautiful job! Kind of like doing a jigsaw puzzle, isn't it?
Thanks so much for sharing the pictures!

Sandy said...

Wow, those are amazing! At first I thought I was looking at a photograph! With yours covering your machine, you might not want to take it off to sew!

LA Paylor said...

what an achievement and it's just beautiful!

Marti said...

Your projects are amazing! I have a featherweight panel and thought at first you had embellished one, but then to see all that piecing! I love them both.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I admire both of you - what a beautiful job you did on both of your projects.

Sara said...

Those paper pieced projects are amazing! Wow!!!

Nann said...

At first I thought the sewing machine piece was a photograph of an actual sewing machine! Picking out the paper with a friend would make that tedious chore more pleasant. Yes, this is a week to summarize and to finalize plans/goals for the new year.

Sylvia said...

I saw your finished photograph on Cynthia's FB page! Well done on the project!

AnnieO said...

Gorgeous pieced tops! How cute are you two in these pics, love it! Hope you have plenty of sewing time for the rest of the year, lol. I will be evaluating UFOs too, and looking back on what I actually finished this year, one of the longest years of all our lives...!! Happy New Year!!

Celine said...

I love the accuracy of paper piecing but tearing the papers is so boring! You've done very well!

Anonymous said...

Love your sewing machine!

Andrea in MO

QuiltGranma said...

You both did a beautiful job on your paper piecing of those pictures! Wow!

Jennifer said...

The picture kits are great - love how they both turned out and so much more fun to sew one of those with a friend! I’ve done an inventory of my UFOs and only have 12 to start the year, plus three WIPs which are still in the normal rotation. I will be participating in the APQ UFO Challenge again in hopes of keeping my list at the same size or smaller. Hope you have a good end to this year and start to the next one!