
Monday, December 21, 2020

Design Wall Monday - December 21, 2020

Merry Christmas to all the Design Wall Monday bloggers.  Here is a picture of me with Santa, taken in Frankenmuth, MI on another year.  This year we didn't visit Frankenmuth due to the recommended quarantining.  I hope Santa still leaves me some presents - even though I didn't talk to him in person this year.  I have been very very good....most of the time.  

Speaking of presents - I have a give-away for one of you.  The Buds in a Basket Quilt that I finished recently (See details here) is from this quilt book:

And as you can see, I have two copies of the book.  The quilts are from Japanese quiltmakers from the magazine "Quilts Japan", and all are beautiful quilts.  If you have linked up to this blog in the last three months (before today), you are eligible to win the extra copy.  If you win, I will contact you for your address.  If you already have this book, or you don't want it, I will draw another name.  But I want to thank all of you who contribute to Design Wall Mondays.  You make me happy.

One of my UFOs has been finished in 2020 and is now on top of the Christmas tree!  Woohoo!!!  Remember this needlepoint angel I was working on earlier this year? (Talked about her Here)  Back in January when I first made a record of projects started, I found this angel that was partially finished, and now she is finished!  She enjoys being on top of the Christmas tree, in all her glory.

There wasn't a pattern, but I just winged it - chose a backing fabric from the stash and lined it with white sheeting.  I used the backing fabric to make a finishing binding around the bottom.  Here are pictures of the front and back before she went up on the tree.

What are you finishing up for Christmas?  I am baking with one of my daughters in love this Wednesday, and that will be fun.  She likes to make candy, and I do too, so we will make candy and Christmas cookies.  Merry Christmas to you all, and I will talk to you again next Monday with a report to tell you if Santa brought me anything!

Please talk about Design Wall Monday on your blog post and link back to this particular blog post somewhere within your post.  Thank you!  


Gretchen Weaver said...

Your angel tree topper is lovely! You and your DIL have a wonderful time making candy together, sounds like fun! I have A bouquet of Quilts book. I tracked down a copy after I saw your Buds in a Basket blocks at retreat. She's a beauty! Have a blessed Christmas even if it will be an unusual day.

Kate said...

Such a sweet angel. It looks great on top of the tree. Enjoy your cookie and candy making today. Have a very Merry Christmas (fingers crossed that Santa is really good to you this year).

Susie Q said...

That needlepoint angel is wonderful. It will grace a tree for generations. I did needlepoint long before quilts.

Meloney said...

You are so creative. Love the Santa photo.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like how you did the angel on the tree in stitchery - that is such a good idea and very unique - one of a kind!

For the love of geese said...

Glad to see a UFO finish and it looks wonderful as a tree topper. As for me, there is just going to be a lot of sewing happening around my house. Merry Christmas to you all.

Quilter Kathy said...

I love your finished needlepoint angel... so beautiful!
And what a cute photo of you with Santa! I'm sure Santa will find you and bring you some treats!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Wow!! That angel is beautiful!! And you winged it?!! Double wow! We're making sukiyaki this year for Christmas! Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!

AnnieO said...

Cute photo with you and Santa--was he 8 feet tall, lol? Thanks for hosting the DWM posts, I enjoy seeing all the links and quilty/creative posts. I like your finish on the angel, sweet!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

LA Paylor said...

how cute your pic with Santa. That angel is a work of love, I'm also working on a ufo, binding it today I hope! Thanks for the chance to win the book, my email won't come up on my blogger profile but it is leeannaquilts at gmail dot com.
Happy Christmas and we love you too

Carol said...

The angel topper is perfect and beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and your family.... 2020 will be a memory soon.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, it's wonderful that you can make candy and cookies with your daughter in love (I also love that expression). Your angel looks great. I wish you all the best of the holiday season. I'll see you next Monday. Good luck with Santa. Take care.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I am sure Santa will bring you something fabulous for Christmas. Love your needlepoint angel and it looks wonderful topping your tree. Thank you so much for hosting the link party and I just linked up for the first time. I can not wait to visit the other quilters. Have a blessed Christmas. Happy quilting, Melisa

Rebecca Grace said...

How nice to see your smiling face with Santa, Judy! Your angel tree topper looks beautiful, too. Merry Christmas!