
Monday, April 26, 2021

Design Wall Monday - April 26, 2021

Good Morning Quilters! April is almost over, and we have had our last snow storm.  I think we have.  The house finches have nested on the ledge over the front porch, in their usual spot.  In 2016 I wrote on my blog about them, and there has been a nest in the same spot almost every year since then.  The nest building activity has almost finished, and soon there will be eggs.  I get a good view from the computer desk in the office which looks out onto the front porch.

The LeMoyne Star quilt UFO that I started working on again in early February is now a quilt top!  Yeah!  Here is a picture of the completed top on the design wall:

After I finished, I decided to stitch around the outside edge very close to the edge, because some of the outside edges may be on the bias.  I tried to cut all of the edge triangles so that the outside edge side would be straight of grain, but I wasn't sure that all of them were.  I really enjoyed finishing this quilt, as I learned a lot about LeMoyne Star blocks.  I relied on a Youtube video by Edyta Sitar (video here)  The quilt kit is from Moda's Collection for a Cause series - Warmth and part of the sales of each kit go to support Habitat for Humanity.  The quilt kit was issued in 2012.

What do you think the quilting design should be?  I would not want custom quilting, just an overall design, but something that goes with the vintage look.

What UFO will be next?  I think two are calling me.  One is the oldest UFO I have - the Jane Stickle quilt.  I have all 169 blocks made, and all 56 of the outside triangles made.  I just have to assemble it and get it quilted by someone - not me.  It has been such a labor of love that part of me doesn't want it to end.  Crazy, right?

The second UFO is one my friend Dee and I have both wanted to make - it's a free pattern of an old quilt that is online (Here) and is a patriotic flag quilt.  I love the quilt, and the reason it's just a pattern and some fabrics in my UFOs is that there are six flags in the pattern - each with 48 appliqued stars. 

I would like to make it as the original quilt was made with hand appliqued stars......but that's a lot of stars.  Dee is going to machine applique her stars, and I am still deciding what I will do.

What is on your design wall this Monday?  I am very happy when I see your linkup pictures and can go to your blog to read about your pictures.  Please provide a link back to this particular blog post from somewhere within your blog.  Thanks!


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Congratulations on finishing your quilt top, Judy. It is stunning and such pretty fabrics in this top. I look forward to seeing it all quilted up. I can not wait to see your Jane Stickle quilt and the flag quilt is amazing, but boy that is a lot of stars. Lol. Have a great week and thank you so much for hosting the link party.

Turid said...

Your quilt is fantastic. I'm not good at quilting designs, always leave it up to my longarm quilter. She's so good. Good luck with quilting it.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Lemoyne stars is a beauty, the first overall quilting design that popped into my mind was Baptist fans. I don't know if that would work or not. When you get your Dear Jane pieced, you could have a quilter from Lolly's hand quilt it. They have Amish ladies on tap for quilting. Happy stitching!

Kate said...

LeMoyne Stars turned out beautifully! Congrats on getting it all assembled. Stitching around the edges sounds like a really good plan. That is a lot of applique, small applique at that on that flag quilt. But it is a fun pattern. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to work on next.

maggie fellow said...

lovely top - congrats - I'm surprised how much I like the crosshatch on older quilts - it sounds so simple but it looks great

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Such a gorgeous quilt! And, what an ambitious project. LeMoyne stars have always been a problem for me. You have mastered them beautifully! I am looking forward to seeing the next project too. All those stars - yikes! I haven't had a Monday post for a long time so I was happy to be able to link up with yours this morning. Happy quilting!

Sara said...

Your Lemoyne Star quilt is gorgeous! Congrats on finishing it. Can't wait to see your Jane Sickle quilt. I so admire the amount of work that goes into one of them.

Rebecca Grace said...

Your Lemoyne Star quilt is spectacular, Judy! How would I quilt it? I have a whole separate category of edge-to-edge quilting designs that look amazing on traditional quilts like this one. Six different allover feather designs, a couple Baptist Fan designs, or you could quilt it with pretty scrolling vines or an understated traditional floral... ;-)

Chris said...

I understand your feelings about your Jane Stickle quilt. It took me 6 years to make all the blocks and assemble it. It has been layered ready to quilt for 3 years but I am reluctant to do that also.

Bonnie said...

Congratulations on finishing your LeMoyne star quilt. It is lovely. My first thought on quilting would be Baptist Fan. It definitely is an old pattern with great texture. I like the idea of cross hatching as mentioned by Maggie above. Next up -- you have no title on your blog today so all links we do back to your blog will be the blog in general not today's blog. Something I've learned recently. Um, being the lazy person I am, could you find star fabric in rows? Save the effort of appliquéing? I know, I know -- I'm so not into involved quilts anymore! Actually, if you go into the stars as only a first step and plan to get 1 star a day done it would only take 288 days. And, my bet is, you would do more than 1 a day. Prep 2 weeks worth at a time and then you'll be good to go for however many you want to do every day. As long as you think of it as a long term project you won't be mad at yourself for not making tons of forward progress. You could reward yourself by making the rest of the flag once each star section is done. (Have you figured out I just can't imagine making 288 hand appliquéd stars?) Have fun with the quilt whatever you decide.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Judy, Your LeMoyne Stars are so we love to see stars! I've noticed a lot of folks are working on patriotic quilts just now...seems to feel right. Happy Stitching on whatever you decide.

Anonymous said...

The LeMoyne Star is beautiful! Congrats on moving this older UFO to the flimsy stage!


Sharon Stroud said...

A few thoughts on your stars: have you considered using a navy ground with stars in that section? May not be 48 stars, but if you do not hang your pattern with the finished quilt, who will know? Or you could fuse the stars in place for raw edge applique or fuse them and do matchstick machine quilting over the entire quilt to help hold them. I had a stroke several years ago and am unable to hand applique so often have to look for alternatives. Good luck!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, your Le Moyne Star quilt is fabulous. Congrats on a finished quilt top! Wow, those are a lot of stars, appliquéd by hand or by machine! I'd be looking for fabric with the stars in them already....but then I don't have the patience to tackle the quilts you make. Good luck!

Astrid said...

Well done on finishing the quilt top! LeMoyne stars are beautiful. Can't wait to see your Jane Stickle quilt.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your Lemoyne stars is fabulous!!! and that Flag quilt is really cool - I am a cheater and I would use Navy with stars fabric.... but you have WQAY more patience than I! and your last snow storm - or darlin" you just jinxed it hahaha!!!

QuiltGranma said...

For a traditional quilt I really like fan quilting. You can find a long armer who can do this.

Jennifer said...

Great finish on your top! I think it would look great with Baptist fan quilting, adding a few curves to the quilt.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Your Star quilt is a beauty! You do great work!