
Monday, April 19, 2021

Design Wall Monday - April 19, 2021

Good Morning Quilters!  My birthday was Friday, April 16th, and I turned 78 years young.  Through the miracles of telephone, text, email and Facebook,  I received birthday greetings from friends near and far.  It was such a blessing.  It’s so amazing to hear good wishes from so many.  I even received two birthday cards in the mailbox.  Hubby took good care of me, as always, and I had a wonderful day.  He said on my birthday morning, “Today, you can do anything you want to do.....all day long.”. He gave me a smile, and said “Oh course, that’s what you do everyday.”  lol.   

I got sidetracked this week with another project (I know you can relate) and worked on it using some extra fabric from the main quilt on the design wall.  I’ll explain.  The Lemoyne Star quilt is a kit from Moda, part of their Collection for a Cause series.  Here are the parts that are not yet sewn together as it is on the design wall today:

The kit had instructions to make the square within a square blocks by sewing across a diagonal line on fabric laid over the four corners of the block, and then cut off the excess fabric underneath.  Since there are a lot of square within a square blocks, each with four corners, I had 168 leftover cut off triangle pairs.  This kit was a half finished UFO, and before it got put away years ago, I had made all the square within a square blocks, and had also sewed the leftover triangle pairs into hsts.  These “extras” were staring at me in a baggie as I worked on the main quilt.  I needed a break from the LeMoyne Stars, and sewed them into hourglass blocks.  Here is the progress on them so far:

They trim up at 4 inches, and finish at 3.5 inches.  Here are the rest of them on the ironing board:

What are you finishing, or what distracted you into another project this week?  Please link up below are show us.  Thanks for participating.  My only request is that you link back to this post from somewhere within your post, and that you encourage  your readers to come and see other blogs at Design Wall Mondays.


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Happy birthday ;))

Kate said...

That's a lot of left overs! But you made good use of them. Are you thinking of using them on the back or do you have another plan for them?

maggie fellow said...

happy birthday - it is really fun to use the little leftovers.

Nann said...

Happy birthday, Judy! And kudos to you for sewing up the left over pieces right away.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I was distracted with fabric bundles and decided to wash batiks and spend the week pressing to start a new quilt - well maybe it won't take a week to press LOL but it will feel like it - happy birthday

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a happy and blessed birthday!

Andrea in MO

Sara said...

Happy birthday! That is a fabulous use of those triangle trimmings! Sometimes I sew up those triangles, and sometimes I just throw them away, although I kind of hat throwing them away.

Bonnie said...

It sounds like you had a great birthday! You are crazy smart to sew up the excess triangles even if you waited years to use them. Hopefully you can make progress on the LeMoyne Stars and the hour glass blocks this week.

Quilter Kathy said...

It's so funny how the trimmings and the extras call to us while we're trying to work on a big project!!! Such a lovely quilt you're making and the hourglass blocks are becoming another wonderful small quilt!
Happy Birthday!

AnnieO said...

Happy Birthday! Glad you had a lovely day. Collections for a Cause had such beautiful fabrics. I can't toss those cut off triangles either--there have been lots of baggies of "bonus" HSTs in my sewing room too. I no longer use that method of making HSTs very often, instead I use the Essential Triangle ruler from Bonnie Hunter and make them from strips when I can. Have a great week!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Belated but warmest Happy Birthday wishes to you!
Distracted last week by a courthouse steps design and finished a mini quilt that I will write up this week.

For the love of geese said...

Happy belated birthday, hopefully you did do whatever you liked. Both of your projects are going to be so elegant. I've been mia for a while so I have to catch up on what you have finished. Thank you for the linky party.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Happy birthday Judy. I'm glad that you were able to connect to your dear ones. Isn't it great when the left overs from one quilt can be turned into another? Enjoy your week and as always, thanks for hosting. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! Your project is so pretty!


Tammy said...

Happy belated birthday greetings! It's always good to have another one roll around. Glad you got into another project!

Rebecca Grace said...

I hope your birthday was as wonderful as you are, Judy!