
Monday, May 24, 2021

Design Wall Monday - May 24, 2021

 Good Morning Quilters!  Unusual week around here:  Hubby went on a golfing trip with other golfer friends for five days and I am at staying at home with the two dogs.  What did I plan while he was away?  A one person quilt retreat!

Retreat rules (there are none)

No set retreat hours

No set mealtimes (except for Penny Lane and Mojo)

No bed time or rules.  In fact, since I was alone, I slept in the guest bedroom and let both dogs get up on the bed.  They were so happy, and I enjoyed having them snoring beside me.  They are not allowed on the bed in our bedroom.

Old movies that I've seen before have been my go-to entertainment choice.

So far I've watched Sweet Home Alabama, Sixteen Candles, Erin Brockovich, and The Breakfast Club.  Plus several old black and white movies of WWII era.

Visits by friends:  Saturday my two nephews who live in Ludington came over to visit me and play with the doggies.   They brought dog treats, and the pups were in love with them.

Sunday my quilter friend Joan came over.  She had just returned from a trip out of town that was quite fruitful.  She showed me her vintage fabric purchases, vintage kit purchases,  and vintage quilt purchases.   I love to see what friends buy (quilt related) because I have no guilt and it is not adding to my stash.  I can thoroughly enjoy the purchases.

Retreat accomplishments so far:

Appliqued 12 more stars on the first flag of the "10 Cents A Chance" quilt.  One more 12 star week and I will have one of the six star fields completed.  I'm afraid you are going to get tired of seeing appliqued stars on my blog posts.

(The bottom row center star is extra “wonky” and I am going to take it off and place it better.)

Started and finished another basket of flowers for the May Day quilt.  Basket #25 of 30.

This means only five more blocks to applique! I pencil traced the next four of the last five blocks onto the background fabric.  The very last block is filled with French knots, and I saved that one to trace tomorrow, on my last retreat day.  It is exciting to get near the end of the embroidered baskets project.

Have you ever had a retreat at home all by yourself?  Not nearly as much fun as a retreat with quilting friends, but it is the best I can do until the real quilt retreats start up for me.  

What is on your design wall?  I hope you are making more progress there than I am.  My next project for assembly is up on the design wall is my Jane Stickle quilt, and I seem to be stalling on working on it.

If you choose to link up with this blog post (and I hope you will) please follow the two link-up rules:  (1) Ask your readers to visit Design Wall Mondays and (2) provide them a link to this post.  There is only one more Design Wall Monday in May, after today, so I am challenging you to get some of your UFOs up on the design wall and get them finished.  


Gretchen Weaver said...

Sounds like you've had a lovely retreat, the newest embroidered basket is beautiful! I admire your perseverance with those stars, there are a LOT of them! Even when my husband is gone, I always have to deal with the farm chores. Maybe someday, when we're not milking anymore I'll get an extended alone time. Enjoy your last day of retreat with lots of happy stitching!

Vicki in MN said...

Yes I did a 3 week retreat all by myself last fall, kinda nice with absolutely no schedule but not anywhere near as much fun. Still loving see your embroidered baskets.

Sylvia said...

My husband is out of town for 2 weeks, so I am also having a mini retreat. Well, in theory. I have an elderly dog who needs a lot of help. So that is a lot of work. I am trying to get some spring cleaning done, but only a little bit each day. I have a binding on a wall hanging that is my project for today. It just needs tacked down, but since it is black and with black thread, that is a morning project so I can see it in decent light. I am also trying to knit and spin every day.

Rebecca Grace said...

Challenge ACCEPTED, Judy! I have about 3 or 4 hours of hand stitching binding left on Anders' graduation quilt, and then I need to get those sampler blocks back up on the design wall. I do have two vintage quilt repairs for clients that I'm committed to for June, but neither one is extensive (relatively speaking, since every vintage quilt repair is like remodeling an old house -- you never know what you'll run into once the work begins)! I think your "retreat" with your dogs sounds wonderful. Great idea to invite them up on the bed in the guest room -- that way they are not confused when Dad comes home and the rules revert to normal!

Melva said...

The quilt retreat for one sounds lovely with no schedule of meals to keep. Have a blessed week.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Your home retreat for one sounds ideal to me. Happy doggies too which is the best company. Yes, as Gretchen said you have patience to stitch all those little stars. Of course I don't need to tell you how much I love your embroidered basket! You are keeping busy, Judy!

Sara said...

You've just described a nearly perfect weekend! And you're right - quilting with friends would be even better.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I have yet to ever attend a normal retreat, but I have a mini retreat each day that there is not "life getting in the way" time. I usually have a full day to quilt, and getting back to that. Hubby is always busy with a project and I quilt. I do a Face Time with a friend each Thursday and that is fun. And I am lucky because hubby and I like the same movies in the evening. But I do enjoy working alone - seems that I get more done and make less mistakes! LOL Love your Stars and your baskets - I have a pattern very similar to yours. Just need to do it!

maggie fellow said...

hooray for quilting time- always a treat

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Well I have to say that sounds like a delightful weekend. No rules and doing whatever you like . How fun is that. Lots of stares completed. Woo Hoo and love your basket embroidery. Thank you so much for sharing , inspiring and hosting the link party. Happy quilting.

AnnieO said...

How lovely to get to stitch and visit while making more headway on your long-term projects. There is much about handwork to recommend it while with friends.

Bonnie said...

I had a 2 person retreat! First time I've seen my bff since January 2020. 3 retreats during 2020 and 1 in 2021 have been canceled. I'm hoping the one scheduled in Oct. will be held. (Hum, actually some of the gals did go to last year's Oct retreat but my gang decided it just didn't sound like a good idea. We were living in 3 different states. I like seeing your star progress. Good for you to keep up with your plan. (Aren't you??)

Meloney said...

I love retreating at home, but the in-person ones have more laughter. LOL I also retreat in hotels on my own. My DH likes to go to this one casino and it has a large enough room that I set up and retreat while he gambles. Loads of fun!

Quilter Kathy said...

Sounds fabulous! I'm going to do that next week... no work, no plans... sewing when I want to... lots of resting!

Carol Andrews said...

Love your retreat idea! Wish I could do that when DH golfs, but he only walks out our door and hops on his cart to play. 😉

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

I love the idea of a one person retreat!!! Looks like you got great stuff done and enjoyed some awesome movies!