
Monday, June 21, 2021

Desgn Wall Monday, June 21, 2021

 Good Morning Quilters!

So much is happening that I could write about, and some of it isn't quilty.  But I guess I will get my thoughts down on paper so my head can be clearer.

In no particular order, these things have happened:

Father's Day was a wonderful day trip to Lansing for a golf outing.  Two Grandpas, one son and wife, and two Grandsons golfed, while I rode around with them in a cart, working on one of my embroidery baskets.  They included me, even though I'm not a golfer.  We had a great time.  The course wasn't super busy, and that allowed us to play all together, instead of a foursome and a twosome, so everyone had fun seeing everyone else's golf shots.   

Saturday, we volunteered to clean house and spread mulch outside for a charity near and dear to our hearts.  Lighthouse for Teen Moms is a Grand Rapids charity that provides housing, life lessons, and life skills to young teen mothers, who range in age from 14 to 18 years old.  The work day with filled with lots of volunteers and we cleaned the two homes where the charity houses the girls.  It was so good to see all the people working together, and many hands made light work.   I like this charity because it gives options for girls to choose life and not abortion at a critical time in their lives.

Tuesday, June 15th, was our 58th wedding anniversary.  We had a great day and celebrated with friends Wednesday night.  I made a pineapple upside down cake for them with 58 spelled out in pineapple.  I had to think backwards and upside down, because you flip the cake over and the bottom becomes the top.  Tuesday morning, when we ate breakfast out at our favorite restaurant, I told the waitress we were married longer than she has been alive....and she said "twice as long!" lol  It is so amazing and such a joy that we have been married for so long.

Midweek in week before, while driving back to Grand Rapids after a visit with my sister, a strange incident of temporary blindness in one eye for a very short time, led me to several appointments last week.

I've had an appointment with two eye doctors (someone in my family advised I see an Ophthalmologist instead of my Optometrist)  Both eye doctors said my eyes are fine.  My appointment with my general doctor's group was next.  While there I had an electrocardiogram and also have three more tests scheduled: a brain scan, a carotid arteries test, and a heart echocardiogram.  I have never had any of these three tests before.  

The internet (sometimes a reliable source, sometimes not) gives me the following info: A reduction of blood flow through one of the carotid arteries may cause temporary vision loss in the eye on the same side.  The loss of vision is like a curtain being drawn over the eye and usually lasts just one or two minutes. 

Also the short blindness in one eye can be a warning that a stroke is coming later.

My appointments for all three tests are on June 29th, and I shall report the results to you when I know.  

But in the quilting world, I finished machine quilting the red charm quilt in the other direction.  You were correct - it looks so much better quilted in both directions.  And I even finished binding it, and followed the curved edge of the apple core pieces with the binding.  I want to make a label for it, and add a hanging sleeve before it is totally finished.  And with all the traveling this week, I failed to take a picture of the completed quilt.  But it is so rewarding to have this quilt on the finish line!  Here is a picture of the binding:

Also a picture of my newly replanted small bed of flowers where our flagpole is.  All of the perennials were chosen because they are "deer resistant", and the Bee Balm is the star right now.  The hummingbirds love it, and of course the bees do too.   Behind the flowerbed you can see our Dogwood tree, which has been outstanding this year.   It is not a native, but is a white Kousa dogwood. 

What are all the things happening in your world?  I look forward to seeing your quilting walls, projects, blocks, and other happenings in your life this week.  Please link up to the Design Wall Monday linky party and show us.  Thanks.  Don't forget to put a link back to this particular post from somewhere within your post, and also let people know that you are linking up.  


Gretchen Weaver said...

Sounds like a lovely Father's day with your family. I'm concerned about the possibility of a stroke?! I hope the test can give some discernment. Happy stitching!

Material Girl said...

Sadly, the deer ate my bee balm as well as my pachysandra this year…….I sprayed everything with Liquid Fence to avoid this. Somehow,one of the mama deer got behind the fence in front of the porch. She ate the purple coneflowers,hosta and lilies too. Good luck with your flowers

Nann said...

Happy anniversary! I admire your ability to embroider while sitting in a golf cart on the course. Hope your vision problem was only temporary and not indicative any other problems. Hugs to you.

Quilter Kathy said...

Happy Anniversary! So much going on over there! I do love the image of you hand stitching while you ride around in a golf cart and enjoy watching the family play golf.

Sara said...

Happy anniversary! I spent Sunday on a golf cart too, but I was playing. My husband and I played in a veteran's fundraiser tournament. Very windy, but we had a good time. I hope that nothing serious is found in all of those tests. That is quite scary, but thankfully you are being smart to get checked out thoroughly.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Hi Judy, just caught up on your posts. Great reading this morning, however, I did worry when reading about your sudden eye event. Fingers crossed it is a momentary of those odd things that do happen from time to time with no reoccurance!
Red Delicious is beautiful and I'm happy to read you enjoyed the machine stitching, something I do not. What a wonderful number you two have reached in years together! And how kind you are to volunteer all that time with a charity.

Susan said...

Happy Anniversary, and I hope your eye issue is nothing serious. Keep us posted.

Carol Andrews said...

Sounds like a week filled with family and celebrations had a wee issue come up. Good thing you are taking it seriously and getting it checked out. Love the binding on the quilt, but I’m sure looking forward to seeing it with the quilting finished Judy. Take care this week.

Cindy Quilts said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you get some answers for the eye issue and that it isn't serious. The quilt is beautiful!

QuiltGranma said...

Happy Anniversary you two. So glad you have had good times together and stuck with each other... a choice to try and not give up which too many do now days.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, it sounds like you had a wonderful week. Congrats on your anniversary! Good luck with all of your appointments. Take care.

Celine said...

Happy anniversary, 58 years is impressive! Hope you get answers for your eyes issues shortly.

Kate said...

Happy anniversary! Sound like you've been busy on multiple fronts. Hopefully all the tests will point the doctors in the right direction for treatment.

LA Paylor said...

omg I sure hope you're doing okay... it's so frightening to have your body turn on you so fast without warning... let us know when you can and best of luck to you

Jennifer said...

Holy cow Judy, that’s a lot going on! Hope things have calmed down a bit in recent days. The binding on your scrap quilt looks great!