
Monday, June 28, 2021

Design Wall Monday - June 28, 2021

 Good Morning Quilters!  I’ve been up north at the cabin all week, and only took embroidery with me.  The next basket for the May Day Quilt is completed except for the French knots.  As usual, there are plenty of French knots.  The knots will be finished by next Monday though.  It is exciting to be near completion on these 30 baskets.

The second embroidery project I’ve worked on is finishing the borders of the redwork quilt UFO. Here are the four borders:

I realized while they were on the floor (my design wall up here) for this picture that I haven’t even measured how long each border will need to be.  As you realize by now,  I’m more into enjoying the process than doing the finishing up details part of UFOs.  But it seems like a lot of my old, old UFOs are all getting near the finish line at once.  And that’s a good thing.

The Red Delicious apple core quilt needs a label and hanging sleeve, so no completed pictures of it for you until that happens.  That is one of my goals for this week.  

And my tests I talked about last week are happening tomorrow. (Brain scan, Carotid arteries ultrasound, and heart echo test) All day spent in waiting rooms for three different tests will give me lots of French knot time won’t it?  And embroidery is very calming for me, so there is that too.

What are you working on this week?  I hope you link up your blog and show us a picture.  I apologize for not adding comments to your blogs this week.  I was in a funk - but I did read them all, and this week I’ll be sure to make comments.  You all do such amazing work.  Please add your blog to the Design Wall Mondays linky party below, and give us the pleasure of reading your blog.  Thanks!

My requests of you, if you link up, are two things:  Mention the Design Wall Monday  linky party within your blog post, and also that you provide a link back to this particular blog post (not just to the generic


Preeti said...

Such a cute basket and so many French knots. A perfect traveling project although I sure I will not be allowed to take a needle and scissors in my purse on an international flight :-(

Gretchen Weaver said...

The basket embroidery is very cute but the redwork borders are wonderful! I can't wait to see them attached! Praying for good test results and yes, you should have time for all the french knots today. Blessings!

Kate said...

Fingers crossed all your appointments go smoothly and that they find the root cause. It's scary to have that hanging over your head, no wonder you were in a funk all week. Hopefully all the tests come back quickly and you can get started on the right treatment.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hope all of your medical test will help find the problem - I had been traveling and missed your post the last couple weeks - hope you will be fine

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your embroidery is so beautiful - and you have amazing patience. Hope you Pass all your tests and things go very well - Hugs!!!

Rebecca Grace said...

Your hand embroidery is so beautiful, Judy! I hope all goes well with your tests tomorrow and that whatever is causing you trouble can be resolved soon.

Sara said...

You have a lot going on so a bit of funk is understandable. Hope all goes well. I was in a funk last week as well - a major self-pity party all week, but I'm determined to bust out with a better attitude.

Susan said...

Beautiful redwork borders!

Carol Andrews said...

Your UFOs will soon be beautiful finishes at the rate you are going! Good luck this week. It’s a lot to be thinking about and going through so comments can wait! 😉

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, it's so exciting when these projects come near the end. I love all of your embroidery projects and I hope that you got lots done as well as excellent results on your tests (or does it take a while to get?). Take care.