
Monday, February 14, 2022

Design Wall Monday - February 14, 2022

 Happy Valentine’s Day Quilters!

If you have followed my blog for a while, you know I have saved all the valentine cards from hubby over the many years we’ve been married.  I like to get them out and read them again each year.  Here’s a picture of them beside me right now:

Isn’t this a cute vintage quilt? 

 It is pictured in Mary Emmerling’s Country Hearts small red book shown with the cards.  I love Mary Emmerling’s books.  I should make a doll quilt like this picture……but not until the WIPs are completed.  I like the eight pointed stars in it.

Since it is Valentine’s Day today, I must include pictures of my two large Valentine’s Day quilts:  This one is so large that I have two pictures to show it:  the bottom part, (with Penny Lane) and the top (upside down over the railing). Note to self:  take a new picture of the complete quilt.  

This one is usually on the couch in the living room, where I can snuggle up with it, but this picture is of it on the design wall when I was making it.

What’s on your design wall today?  I have no new pictures to show you, as I am doing very little this week.  My sister did came home with us Wednesday, and is now sleeping peacefully almost all the time.  Hospice has been very helpful, and a lot of the time I just sit with her and hold her hand.  It comforts me, and I think it comforts her.  I can feel your prayers for her and I thank you very much.  

Please show us what you are working on this week.  I so appreciate being able to see and read about what beautiful things you are creating.  You inspire all of us.  As always, I ask that you provide a link back to this blog post from within your post.  Also, if you invite others to join us in our weekly Design Wall Linky Party, that's appreciated.

Happy Valentine’s Day!  I hope you are able to hug someone today, or hold their hand.  


Kate said...

Happy Valentine's Day! You have a keeper, looks like he does a good job on the card selection department. Hope your sister is resting comfortably.

Kim said...

How beautiful your two Valentine's Day quilts are. I especially love the first one; 'tis filled with so much pretty detail. It is a gorgeous design. You have a sweet collection of Valentine's cards. Thinking of you as you sit with your sister.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I'm always amazed by the Valentine quilt you made from a photo of a counted cross stitching, so beautiful. I enjoyed watching it come alive as you worked on it at retreats. Sitting with your sister, holding her hand and letting her know she is loved is so important! I have memories of doing the same thing with my father and it brings tears to my eyes.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I'm so glad that you can spend these last days with your sister holding her hand and I'm sure going through memories - it will be comforting to you and to her I'm sure.

Vicki in MN said...

Your big Valentine quilt is spectacular. So nice you can have your sister with you and comfort her, best wishes for all.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

So sweet--all your saved Valentines!!! Do I ever love your quilt with Penny Lane! Well, I love them both, but that one is stellar!!! Praying for your sister and you, her caregiver. I've been there. So nice she can be with you.

Bonnie said...

Happy Valentine's day to you also. I forgot all about it when I wrote my blog yesterday. Hubby and I have kind of quit indulging in little presents and even cards. On the other hand he made a great turkey dinner last night and we ended with a homemade cherry pie. That sounds Valentiney to me!

Quilter Kathy said...

What a loving gift you are giving to your sister!
It's all about the LOVE!

Celine said...

Happy Valentine's Day. I am sure it is comforting to your sister to have you nearby holding her hand.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, those are amazing valentine quilts. I think that the image in the book would make a really lovely quilt! Have a great week and thanks for the party :-)

MissPat said...

What a blessing that you have been able to bring your sister to your home for her last days. Much nicer than sitting with her in a hospital for hours on end. I wish I had kept the Valentine's cards from my husband. Valentine's Day would have been our 35th anniversary, but he died suddenly last October. It would have been a comfort to reread his cards.

Carol in Texas said...

Judy, what was the pattern for you beautiful postage stamp Be My Valentine quilt? It must have taken you a long time to assemble that quilt! I just love it!