
Monday, February 7, 2022

Design Wall Monday - February 7, 2022

Good Morning Quilters!  The Birds of a Feather quilt is almost a quilt top.  The final hst border is a long strip and is ready to be sewn onto the bottom of the quilt. 

All three of the other hst borders have been sewn on.  Then I shall add the last 5 inch plain border to all four sides.  It should be a completed top next Monday.  Here is a picture of the three other attached hst borders:

I haven’t worked on quilting much because I’ve still sitting with my sister daily at the hospital.  Major decisions are being made and she is scheduled to come home to live with us when she leaves the hospital.  We will take care of her with help from hospice.  

I am at peace with the decision, as I am convinced she will get the best care possible with us.  

Thank you for your prayers for us, I appreciate prayers so much.  I have pulled out an old UFO to work on while I sit with Nancy.. It is 50 blocks, embrodered birds and flowers of each state in the United States.  There are four blocks finished and I have started the fifth.  

What are you starting….or finishing this week?  Please join the Design Wall Linky Party below.  For those of you who mention Design Wall Monday in your post, and also provide a link back to this post, I thank you.  You are my kind of people.  


Kate said...

Good to hear your sister is getting out of the hospital soon. Does she stitch as well or will you just have a buddie to talk to while you get some stitching done? Birds of a Feather looks great! The borders really work. Congrats on all the progress on that UFO.

Kim said...

The HST border looks so lovely on your Birds of a Feather quilt. This quilt is just beautiful. Thinking of you, your sister, and your husband as you all journey through this difficult part of life. As you care for your sister may there be not only tears and sadness, but laughter, joy and celebration of the love and devotion you all share with each other. In those impossible moments, may you find much comfort in the love and life-long, beautiful memories you share, as you sit and chat with your sister, as you stitch away. May you find the strength to care for your sister, throughout the challenging days ahead. Please take care, Judy♡

Gretchen Weaver said...

Praying for you Judy, hospice will be a big help. Your quilt is very pretty, I look forward to seeing it quilted. Happy stitching!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

thinking of you and your family during the difficult time - it will be rough I'm sure but you will always know you helped your sister as much as one could

maggie fellow said...

absolutely amazing - prayers for your sister

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

That border is Ah!Mazing!!!!
That is a great idea to have embroidery near you. Prayers coming your way.

Quilter Kathy said...

That is a big decision, a true gift of love, and I hope things will go smoothly for you all. Thanks for the linky party!

Lori said...

Blessings to you as you take care of your sister.

Pam M said...

Thinking of you and Lloyd with much love

AnnieO said...

The quilt is just gorgeous. So sorry about your sister, but hope the decision has put her at peace. What a difficult time for you all.

dq said...

Birds of a Feather is amazing and so much work. YOu should feel amazing getting so close to finishing it.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

What a gift you are giving to your sister. She will be surrounded by love and that is wonderful to have when we are sick.
You have done a beautiful job on the quilt! I absolutely love it. I am thinking (still) about adding that one to my 2022. I am finding all the batiks I had purchased for this quilt years back. Still waiting.

Take care and I know your sister is so blessed to have you. Hugs

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

holding you in the pocket of our hearts, Rob and Sharyn (the quilt top is stunning!)

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Oh Judy, I got tears in my eyes reading about what you are going to be doing for your sister. (I am getting leakier in my old age.) She is so very fortunate to have a sister like you. I'll think of you as I spend my morning time meditating down by the pond.
Birds of a Feather is gorgeous!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

What a blessing that you are there for your sister. You and your dear sis will be in my prayers. Your Birds of a Feather quilt is beautiful and hope that it will bring you comfort as you are a caregiver.

Cindy Quilts said...

Your quilt is lovely. Prayers for your sister and you and your family.