
Monday, April 22, 2024

Design Wall Monday - April 22, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

Last week I started a tutorial on how I made my fabric baskets, and didn’t get very far into my instructions before I had to stop to get to bed.  I told you I’d continue the instructions this week.  Well, writing instructions are a lot of work, and after looking at some youtube videos, I decided to direct you to some good instructions there - and not try to reinvent the wheel.  One video that I really liked was (Here)

The basic concepts are the same, no matter the measurements.  I started by making a “turning inside out” space in the bottom of the lining seam.  Then I switched to leaving a “turning inside out” space on one of the side seams….so the  lining wouldn’t have an obvious extra seam where I closed the turning hole.  But this video leaves a space for turning right in the seam around the top of the basket.  And it is sewn shut with the final top stitching of the seam around the top of the basket.  Sweet!

So I hope you forgive me for not continuing my tutorial.  But, I know when I’m trying to do something that has been done better many times on the net.

My retreat in Shipshewana was heavenly, and I had such a great time.  Having my daughter with me made it extra special, and the quilts these women make are spectacular!  

Here are my contributions to the  Friday Night Show ‘n Tell:

And my daughter, Christa showed the apron she made at the retreat, and two white geese that she crocheted.

The men who were holding up the quilts for display had fun making the geese “fly” for us.  

I had a birthday Tuesday, April 16th, after I returned home.  Now I am 81.  If I was dyslexic, I could be 18!  Many friends called, some stopped by, and others filled my Facebook page with well wishes. Plus the usual cake and candles.  I felt really blessed. 

So I’ve had some very full days since we last talked.  I hope you have been blessed too.  Please share your post below in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party so we can read your post.  Thanks to all who participate, you are appreciated.


maggie fellow said...

happy birthday

Kate said...

Happy belated birthday! So glad you had wonderful time at the retreat. You and your daughter were very productive. Hope you've been able to get back into your groove at home.

Vicki in MN said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! Beautiful show and tell for the retreat ladies.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Wow, it gave me a thrill this morning to see you there, Judy, with your wonderful quilts. And Happy Birthday! You are an inspiration!!

Bonnie said...

What a gorgeous bunch of quilts you shared. I laughed at the men standing on the benches to show the quilts. Actually it makes a lot of sense as then more people can really see them. Flying geese sounds so fun! Happy birthday. I bet it seems like just yesterday when you were a young sprout.

LA Paylor said...

happy birthday week... or month... take as long as is fun

Deb said...

Happy Birthday, I was out to dinner celebrating.. my spouse's birthday! Yay another great person on the same day! Hope it was fun!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Happy Birthday Judy! Your quilts were beautiful at retreat and it was very nice to meet your daughter. Happy stitching!

Pam said...

Your redwork quilt is just stunning. You share a birthday with the triplets 😁

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, I'm so glad that you had a good time with your daughter on the retreat. Those are great memories when spending time together. I sure understand about not re-inventing the wheel. There are so many great tutorials on the web that just linking to the one you like best is wonderful. Happy 81st birthday :-)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh your quilts are STUNNING!! and how fun to spend that time with your daughter!!!
Her flying gesses are cute!!
Happy 18th Birthday!!! haha!!!