
Monday, August 19, 2024

Design Wall Monday - August 19, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

This week I worked on getting the little doll quilt of bowties finished.  The backing and batting are now quilted to the front, and triangle corners added to the back, to enable it to be hung on a wall.  Here are pictures of it - front and back. 

The.binding should be all sewn down by the end of the day.  A lovely task after binding the king sized Splendid Sampler quilt last week.  

The baby quilt is ready to be quilted now.  All blocks sewn together, batting added and backing picked out.  The next job is pinning it before I quilt it.  But I am suffering with a sore back this week, and it will have to wait until my back feels better.  Rght now I can’t get down on the floor to get the quilt pinned.    Here is the project as it is today:  

I really like this baby quilt so far, but often have trouble with a flannel backing (getting  no wrinkles in it).  It will be good for me to practice on another one to see if I can pin it together without wrinkles.  Wish me luck.

What are you working on this week?  We had so many interesting linkups last week.  I am looking forward to seeing this week’s posts.  Just join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party and show us what you are doing,  I appreciate all of you so much.


Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Both quilts are adorable! Cute doll quilt, I love bow ties with this setting. And the baby quilt is lovely! For a small quilt, I baste it on a table - so much better for my back! - and spray baste it. No wrinkles ;)

Gretchen Weaver said...

The baby quilt is so cute! Happy stitching!

Kate said...

The Bow Tie Doll quilt is really cute! Hope you back gets to feeling better soon so you can finish that cute baby quilt.

cityquilter grace said...

adorable baby quilt and bow ties is always a fave of mine....nice projects

Bonnie said...

Yikes Judy! Getting down on the floor to pin baste? You might want to ask around at church or library if there is a room you could use with at least waist-high tables. Most libraries have meeting rooms. You would at least not have to crawl on the floor! I like both of your quilts. You chose a great setting for the baby quilt. Very sweet.

Sara said...

Two really sweet baby quilts!!

Michelle said...

Your bow tie quilt is sweet. The baby quilt is adorable. I hope your back feels better soon!

time4stitchn said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your mini little quilts with the 30s fabrics. The arrangement of the bowties is quite different, but suits my tastes in quilts. And I can't get over the little embroideries. They are darling and so remind me of all the handwork my grandmother would do.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, those doll quilts must be so much fun to play with! I really love the setting that you have on your embroidered blocks. I'm going to try to remember it when I'm ready to make my first quilt that has embroidered blocks in it. Good luck with the flannel backing. It's one of my favourite finishes. Take care.