
Monday, June 12, 2023

Design Wall Monday - June 12, 2023

Good Morning Quilters!

The month of June has been so beautiful, and the flowers in Michigan have been spectacular.  Last Saturday we visited our son and his family in Lansing, MI.  They have a lot of beautiful peonies and I came home with such amazing bouquets.  Look at these pictures:


The four inch blocks are still on the design wall, and I am still thinking about how to make them shine.  Someone suggested they could be even more separated, and I am thinking about removing every other block, to give each block more space to shine on its own.  But this is the status of my design wall today:

In the meantime, while thinking about the above blocks,  I worked on the signature exchange blocks for the group exchange that will happen in my next trip to Shipshewana, IN.  There are 48 women in the exchange, and the block is a star:

Someone (I think Preeti) asked why did they provide paper piecing on such a simple block...............and I think it is because with 48 different sewers making the same block,  it is purely for accuracy and to make sure all blocks conform to 6.5 inches unfinished when they are exchanged.   Paper piecing is a slow methodical rhythm thing for me, and helps me work through other problems while I am working on them.  I have half of the blocks completed as of today.

What are you working on?  Please join the weekly Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and show us.  Thanks for participating.  I appreciate all of you.  


Kat Scribner said...

Those flowers are beautiful, Judy. I was born and raised in Michigan. Detroit-St. Clair Shores. I now live in Indiana and go to Shipshie every year. Love to shop quilting there.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Peonies are such showy flowers! I wish they lasted longer! Those little squares are so idividually cute! Signature quilts are always such keepsakes.

Gretchen Weaver said...

The peonies are beautiful! Mine didn't last long, too dry. Your signature blocks are very pretty!

Kate said...

Those peonies are gorgeous! I like paper piecing if it needs to be really accurate, it's definitely worth the extra time.

Nann said...

Our peonies finally blossomed last week. They are so wonderful -- blousy is a good term. My first thought is that the stars could be a nine patch (five stars plus four squares). [See the CW flimsy at the end of this post -- I used different units but your stars + squares would work.]

Quilter Kathy said...

I know what you mean - a mindless paper piecing project does help us to solve other life problems while we make wonderful quilt blocks.

AnnieO said...

Peonies are such pretty flowers--I am sure they are not native in my dry SoCal area. I hope they smell pretty too.
Paper piecing and I are not friendly, but I do admire the accuracy achieved by the method. What a great navy print for your stars.

Carol Andrews said...

Judy your peonies are beautiful. So are your 4” blocks. Alternating them with a neutral block would definitely make them shine/ pop out more. The signature blocks look like a perfect project while you ponder the layout possibilities.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Beautiful peonies and such pretty blocks too.