
Monday, June 5, 2023

Design Wall Monday - June 5, 2023

Good Morning Quilters!  

Whenever a new month starts, I get renewed energy to finish some of my quilting UFOs.  This week, I put lots of small blocks on the design wall, and am thinking about a way to put them into a quilt.  They are four inch blocks, and each one is special and unique, so I want to separate them with a neutral fabric and let each one shine on its own.  Here is a picture of the design wall:

I have a large piece of pinkish material that I could use for vertical strips in between the blocks set on point.  I like an old quilt that I'm using for inspiration which is this one, from the Smithsonian Institution.  If interested, you can read more about it  (Here)

That is as far as I am with this project - waiting for more inspiration to hit me.  Please keep giving me your two cents worth too.  I need more inspiration.

Also, another project I've just started is a six inch signature block that I am exchanging with a group of wonderful ladies that I retreat with in Shipshewana, Indiana.  The block is a star, and I have the papers printed to paper piece it.

There are about 50 ladies in the exchange, so I am dividing the blocks into 10 block groups, rather than think about making so many of the same block.  This is how I trick myself into thinking there are not so many blocks to make.  Here is my start on the first 10 blocks.   I completed one to make sure it was what I wanted them to look like:

I will add my signature in the center white square when the blocks are completed.  I do like the precision of paper pieced blocks, but I dislike tearing out the papers. 

There is a method that folds the paper back, and uses it for guidance, but you do not sew through the paper.  The method uses freezer paper though, and I have already printed out the paper patterns on typing paper.  Have you used the freezer paper method, and liked it?

Well, that's all the news that's fit to print here.  I've been working outside weeding my flower beds, but it is very hot and I don't last long out there.  Hopefully we will get some cooler weather soon.  

What are you working on this week?  I enjoyed looking at all the projects last week, and am looking forward to seeing your progress.  Thanks so much for faithfully joining in on our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  I appreciate you!


Wendy Caton Reed said...

Oh my Judy, these blocks are spectacular! I love the setting and the fabric you have chosen. I have admired this antique quilt for a long time and yours will be even better with all its variety and spice. Love it! And, what a clever signature block. I may have to steal that star idea from you the next time I need a signature block. I love it. Have fun!

cityquilter grace said...

the small block project looks good...and yeah tearing out papers is boring...

Preeti said...

Well, yes. I have used Freezer Paper and I like it. It saves paper because you can use the same template several times and you don't have to tear out the paper. Instead of sewing on the line, you sew just next to it. The signature block looks good. I would not have considered paper piecing for a design as simple as that unless it was a weird in between size like 5 and 3/4" finished :-D
For your 4" blocks, have you considered using them as corner blocks of a nine patch and then making Disappearing Nine Patch. It will give them the breathing room they need to shine. Just a thought. I am sure you will come up with just the right solution.

Kate said...

That's a lot of little blocks! I always struggle with my settings, so I'm no help in that department. I've never used the freezer paper method for paper piecing, I use news print weight paper for my projects. Enjoy your stitching time this week.

Sara said...

Your plan for vertical rows for the first quilt will be a perfect way to showcase those blocks. Those signature blocks will be awesome. Like you, I do like the accuracy of paper piecing, but don't enjoy pulling out the paper - and yes, I've used that freezer paper method. I didn't like that method personally but a guild friend swears by it.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

That is a great UFO to work on - your inspiration photo is gorgeous!

Quilter Kathy said...

I do love the look of a striped sashing. These are such beautiful blocks, you really do want them to shine in the quilt!
For a start block like you are making I would just use regular piecing. I have a friend who sews everything on paper if she can, but that isn't my preference.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I'm presently paper piecing Courthouse blocks for Brad's quilt. I didn't know you could stitch stars that way too. That would help so much with my accuracy issues machine stitching. So thanks so much for showing.I very much enjoy seeing what you are stitching.

Anonymous said...

You can also do the piecing without stitching the paper using copy paper. If you go to, he has online classes doing his technique. I like that you can use the paper several times before throwing it away

Michelle at said...

The teeny blocks are unbelievably amazing!

AnnieO said...

Paper piecing twists my brain, but does produce very sharp blocks. Love where you are going with this reproduction. Star blocks never fail to be attractive, and in reproduction prints, all the more so!

Jennifer said...

I think I’ve done just about every version of paper piecing - I have done it with freezer paper and it was pretty great as I recall - much less time and mess than the paper.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, I would have to trick myself into making anything more than a few blocks - so do whatever works! It is a lovely block. I haven't tried the freezer paper method but I plan to sometime soon since I want to make more book blocks for the summer quilt along.
For your block quilt, I like your inspiration quilt, but I would give each block more space to shine, even if it's just a couple of inches on each side of them width wise. Good luck!