
Monday, August 14, 2023

Design Wall Monday - August 14, 2023

 Good Morning Quilters!

The quilt on the design wall is coming along slowly.  There are now five columns sewn into long strips of 23 blocks, and the sixth column is on the carpet next to the sewing machine.   I sew five together four times, and the extra three, and then sew them all into one long column.  

Next strip to be sewn:

Here is the current status of the Design Wall this Monday:

Five long strips done, and four to go.

Well, making a list last Monday helped me a little bit.  I did get the cutting mat area cleaned off:

It doesn't stay this way, but it sure is nice to see the whole area clean once in a while.  It is actually the "bar" area (note the sink and refrigerator) in the family room downstairs, but I use the countertop as a cutting board, as the lighting is very good there.   And to be honest, the cutting mat area within the quilt room is filled with items........such as........ahem.........lots of various very important things.

I didn't make a "list" for this week, as the list consists of one thing  "Get this quilt OFF the design wall as soon as possible........more quilts are waiting for their turn up there!

What are you working on this Monday?  I am looking forward to reading your blogs and seeing your pictures.  Thanks very much for your faithful linkups to Design Wall Mondays.  You are the best.

Link up below to show us the fun you are having this week.  As always, I appreciate it so much when you link back to this blog post from somewhere within your post, and also mention the Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  


cityquilter grace said...

looking great...i like very much!

Bonnie said...

Impressive cleared off cutting mat. I am so jealous. Darn, I wish I was inspired. I've got too much to do in too little time to jump in and clear off one of my mats. (yep, I have two on my cutting table. One is always usable but not necessarily cleared off and the other is heaped with fabric flung right or left on it.) Hope you get all four of your columns finished this week. Try for one a day.... Go, go, go!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I could not get the link to work this morning I will check it again later

Kat Scribner said...

So much work in that quilt you're making, Judy. It will be a classic when done.

Sara said...

My cutting area is a mess again too. Seems like I just can't make myself KEEP it clean. Your block strips are really coming together nicely!

Nann said...

Those are looonnnngggg strips of blocks! Yes, a cleaned-off cutting area is a delight (even if it's fleeting). Have a good week!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Wow this quilt really is growing!!!

Kate said...

You've made good progress on the quilt up on the design wall and on cleaning up. I'm hoping to do a bit of both this week too. Happy stitching!

Rebecca Grace said...

I think your extra cutting area next to the sink is brilliant, and your quilting things are Very Important, Indeed! I know what you mean -- I've got my own cutting table about 75% cleared off right now and I had forgotten what color the surface was. ;-). I know this neatness won't last long! Oh, and I LOVE the project on your design wall! Each little block is like a fabulous chocolate truffle in a Valentine box with the setting triangles separating them just like those little wrappers!