
Monday, August 28, 2023

Design Wall Monday - August 28, 2023

 Good Morning Quilters!

It has been a busy week here.  The backs of all nine strips have the middle parts pressed open, and the outer edges trimmed. 

Here is the back of one strip, so you can see how nice and flat the centers are.  I snipped one seam on either side of the center seam to enable it to lie flat.  See from this picture how it worked out:

This week the plan is to sew all nine pieced strips to their bordering strips.  I think that was what I had planned for last week……but as I said, it’s been a busy week.

First, on Wednesday, the bushel of canning tomatoes I ordered came in, and when I went to pick them up, the peaches looked so good that I bought a bushel of peaches too.  So Thursday I canned one batch of tomatoes (7 quarts) and one batch of peaches (also 7 quarts) during the day.  However the canning “factory” came to a halt Thursday night when a very powerful storm came through Michigan.  We lost power for 26 hours.

The only useful things I did while the power was out was 1) weed the flower beds and 2) crochet a little hot pad.  It is a free pattern from the internet that I had printed a few weeks ago.  It is supposed to look like a fried egg:

I am easily amused.   Pattern (Here)

The power came back on late Friday night, so my home canning factory resumed production on Saturday all day and Sunday afternoon.   I am happy to report that there are now 26 quarts of peaches and 19 quarts and 2 pints of tomatoes on the kitchen counter.  

The last 7 jars of tomatoes are cooling on the stove:

What did you work on this week?  You constantly show such pretty projects that I have to sit on my hands to keep from starting another quilt project.  I am looking forward to seeing your work again this week.  Please join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below.  Thank you for mentioning Design Wall Mondays in your blog, and providing a link back to this post.  


Gretchen Weaver said...

Your peaches and tomatoes look very nice. My canning is done until grapes are ripe which won't be until October. I have plenty of applesauce in the freezer so I didn't have to do that this year. Happy stitching!

Kate said...

That's a long time to be without power. It's been such a crazy summer weatherwise just about everywhere. Glad you were able to finish all the canning. Your quilt looks great, those are very flat seams now. Hopefully you can get back to your stitching this week and there are no more power interruptions.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Wow, all your fabulous canning!!! And your power outage barely put a blip on your work!!! Great solution on your seam flattening, too!!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

that much canning in one day would wipe me out. I want to do applesauce this year so more will happen but not all at once.

Sara said...

All that canning - makes me remember how all the colorful jars on our basement shelves looked when I was a kid. Yum!! I did more freezing of veggies when I was gardening, but usually made pickles. I haven't even done that the past couple of years.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Look at all that Goodness!!!!!! Love it!!
the power going off is a little bit of an inconvenience!!! Not good at all!

Bonnie said...

I didn't do half as much as you did that's for sure. Your canning efforts look yummy. Although I did have a power outage on Tuesday -- luckily only 2and a half hours. But it totally ruined my sewing mojo. Hope this is a sewing week for you.

Quilter Kathy said...

Beautiful seam work on your quilt strips!
That is a lot of work to can so many jars - well done!

Celine said...

Very productive despite your long long power cut!