
Monday, November 27, 2023

Design Wall Monday - November 27, 2023

 Good Morning Quilters!

Well, I succeeded is getting the “Splendid Sampler” blocks sewn together, and it is now off the design wall!  Yeah!   But….

The new development with this quilt is that it looked very small when sewn together.  It needed to be bigger.  Luckily, there was more of the green alternate blocks fabric in my stash.  So more green hst blocks were made and I intend to add a few rows/columns to the outside.  Here is a picture of it as it is right now:

So now it is too big for the design wall, and I have it laid out on the family room floor until the extra blocks get sewn to it.  I am happier with the size now, and it will soon be a top to be sent to a long arm quilter.  Yeah!  Sometimes quilts take many turns before they get finished, and this one sure did.

The next project is a civil war era fabrics hourglass and hst quilt, and I made a start on it this week.  Plus I’ve made some additional hourglass blocks.  

And a small start of sewing the blocks together (2 inch finished size).  This is a 12 x 12 inch start.

I mentioned last week that I have 1,200 two inch finished size hsts in my stash, and several of you asked how that happened.  It is kinda amazing, isn’t it?  Well, I used to be part of a group of quilters in Virginia that has now disbanded.  For quite a few of our semi-annual meetings, we exchanged groups of hsts with each other.  I have kept them together for such a time as this,  They are a great memory of my time in that group, and I am looking forward to using them in the upcoming quilt.

Just as soon as I get the Splendid Sampler sewn together and off the floor.  

What is on your design wall this morning?  Or what is on your design floor?  Thank you for joining in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and letting us know.   I appreciate all of you who faithfully join in each week.  You are special.


Gretchen Weaver said...

Splendid Sampler is a beauty! She made extra work but she's worth it. How nice you have a head start on the challenge quilt, I look forward to seeing the hour glass blocks sewn together. Happy stitching!

Kate said...

Very elegent solution to make the Splendid Sampler bigger. Sounds like you've got a good start on your next project. Happy stitching this week.

maggie fellow said...

It looks so good when a plan finally looks right - the green is a perfect choice.

Sara said...

Exchanging those HSTs was a wonderful idea within that group, and you'll think of them whenever you see the quilt. I love how that first quilt is looking with it's "growing pains". Clever idea for making it larger.

Rebecca Grace said...

Congratulations on finishing your Splendid Sampler, Judy! Yes, some quilts are like a quick trip around the block, others are journeys... and then a few special quilts turn into epic voyages and odysseys! ;-). I've had a few quilts that I expected to be a quick trip and then I ended up lost at sea with them for months. I love the story behind your HST stash and your hourglass project is off to a great start with them!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Love your hourglasses coming together!!!
Reminds me I have a pile of them somewhere.... hmmmm

Julie said...

I'm awed at all the work in your sampler. It's in a binder here, but never started. The QST's though are my favorite. Just the simplicity of the block is so beautiful to me.

Quilter Kathy said...

Two wonderful projects on the go! Well done!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Ohhh, your Splendid Sampler is so cute!!! Great layout!!!