
Monday, May 27, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 27, 2024

Good Morning Quilters!

Today is Memorial Day (which was called Decoration Day years ago.) 

remember when I was a child my brother and I would decorate our bicycles with red, white and blue crepe paper and ride in the parade that ended at the town cemetery.  The ceremony at the cemetery, included speeches, prayers, taps, and a 21 gun salute.  My father wore his WWII uniform, and would be proud that it still fit.  I would guess this memory was from the mid 1950s, as I was 10 years old in 1953.

Here is a small quilt that I made that is on my coffee table today:  I blogged about it (Here)

What quilt or quilts do you display on Memorial Day?  I have lots on red, white and blue quilts, as I love our country so much.  Red, white and blue make a great quilt color combination.

Please join in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party, and show us what you are displaying, or working on this week.  Thanks so much for participating.  I appreciate you so much. 

Click below to join our Memorial Day Monday Design Wall Linky Party:


Kate said...

There don't seem to be very many parades on this holiday anymore. Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.

Sara said...

Your childhood memory of Memorial Day is almost exactly like mine - same memories in the 1950s and 1960s.

Soma @ said...

That is a beautiful quilt to represent today. Thank you for hosting.


cityquilter grace said...

oh dating yourself there..i remember that about the bikes also....the explosion of technology use by kids today isn't necessarily a good thing...i was on my bike constantly....simple fun

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I love that small flag quilt, so appropriate for this holiday. Thanks for sharing your memory as well. So many observances such as these seem to be fading.

Bonnie said...

I have a quilt top awaiting quilting that will definitely be hanging. We have 3 places to hang quilts: a bigger quilt in the entryway near the front door, a medium size quilt for over the fireplace and a small hanger between windows also in the great room. I didn't remember to change the small one. I may need to make one for the bigger hanger and of course the one that needs to be finished. So, not much got done for Memorial Day. There's always the fourth coming up so maybe I'll get at least one quilt done and hung for it.

Carol Andrews said...

I hope you had a good Memorial Day weekend. I amd gathering some fabrics to make some red and white quilts for our Canadian veterans but don’t really decorate for our Canada Day weekend. I am the daughter of a veteran and am working on a Remembrance Day quilt (slowly) in between my other projects. Thank you a great linky. Have a great week.

Chrisknits said...

I have quilts hanging on every wall, a RWB Disappearing 9 Patch on my bed, 4 pillows on the couch, numerous flat surfaces are covered in RWB and I am in the middle of making a little tumbler flag layout and have a RWB runner to quilt. LOL. I LOVE RWB! Your table mat is so cute.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Love your flag quilt! Very appropriate for the day. Blessings!

dq said...

Lovely childhood memory! I remember decorating graves with my grandmother.