
Monday, January 22, 2024

Design Wall Monday - January 22, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

This week I had the flu, and not much quilting was happening.  So it has been a week of getting extra sleep under cozy quilts, and taking care of myself.

But while resting, I thought about the snow.  Here's a picture of our mailbox:

It looks like a big marshmallow is on top of the post that's holding our mailbox. 

Snow has many benefits for me.  1) it brings back many childhood memories of fun times playing in it outside. 2) It gives me a sense of calmness and joy.  3) It reminds me of the beauty of nature, in every season that is so different from other seasons.

  "If you choose not to find joy in the snow, you will have less joy in your life but still the same amount of snow."   Anonymous

The Valentine quilts are on the stair railings, because everything looked so bare around here with the Christmas things all packed away.  I hope you enjoy these quilts and are looking forward to February and Valentines Day.

Hopefully you got more quilting accomplished than I did this week, but if not, there is always next week, right?

Please link up below and join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  We enjoy reading your blog and seeing your pictures.  Thanks for participating.  Please link back to this post and mention Design Wall Monday somewhere within your post.  


Gretchen Weaver said...

I'm glad you're feeling better now. I've always loved that valentine heart quilt. Happy stitching this week!

Kate said...

I'm so sorry you had the flu. That is definitely no fun at all. Hopefully you are feeling better and ready to get back to stitching a bit. The snow does look so pretty. We have ice, which can be pretty, but I'm glad My Guy is allowed to work from home today. Happy stitching this week.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love your Valentine quilt and hope you are feeling better

Bonnie said...

Sorry about the flu -- hopefully it was a mild case. Luckily I haven't lived in many places that caused that amount of snow to pile up. Wait -- is that pile also caused by snow plows clearing the road? That I've lived through although not all that often. May this week find you with lots of time to stitch and enjoy your fabrics. I haven't even thought of Valentine's Day yet! Give me a week and I'll get my quilts out too.

time4stitchn said...

I have always loved your valentine quilt made from all those little squares. I remember you making it and following along. It inspired me to finish mine last year but I only did 3 heart blocks as a banner. Thanks for your linky parties; they are so inspiring and fun to check each week.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Hope you feel better!!! We have that snow quote on the fridge.... hahaha

Quilter Kathy said...

Oh the snow photo is so gorgeous! I love snow for the same reasons as you!

Sara said...

Hopefully you are feeling well again. Your Valentine quilts bring cheer to those railings. Very pretty!

Marsha Cooper said...

A lot sure have been down sick with head and chest colds. The Valentine's quilt is beautiful. Valentine's Day is right around the corner.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Ruth, I like your snow quote - so true. I'm not particularly enjoying trudging through the stuff but it is pretty and makes even gray days brighter with the reflection. Take care of yourself and let those quilts keep you cozy.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better now. That's a lot of snow. I agree with you that snow brings a sense of peace.

Jennifer said...

Love the picture of the snow - I always enjoy when it snows on a weekend and you can enjoy the peaceful quiet of a snowy day.