
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Holiday Favorites Blog Hop - December 19, 2019

Hello and Merry Christmas to one and all.  If you are new to my blog, I post every Monday, with an invitation to link up and show what you are quilting.  I make lots of small quilts and doll quilts, and it's fun to share what I'm working on, and see what others are working on.  Please join us every Monday!

I thank Lori for inviting me to join her 12 days of Holiday Favorites Blog Hop.   A little about me:  I live in Michigan and am happily married for 56 years.  Our last name is Hansen, and hubby is 1/2 Danish so we've visited Denmark several times.  We have children and grandchildren, and a yellow labrador puppy.

So let's go on a tour of our home to see what quilts and traditions we have.  

Front Door:  Two Danish flags are on the front door swag.  I put different things on this swag each year; last year it had my old ice skates hanging there.

Inside the front door are the wonderful sleigh bells gifted to us by my MIL.  She had some old authentic sleigh bells and had them made into three leather straps, one for each of her three children.  We love the sound of them, and so do our guests.

Front Entry Way:  Just inside the front door I have a little doll dresser that I change out the decorations on for each season.  It is different every time.  This Christmas it has a little quilt on it and a Santa and a Russian nesting doll.  The two tiny Christmas socks are from Lloyd's mother's Christmas tree from many years ago.  

I love these little socks.  They are usually on the Christmas tree, but get lost with all the other ornaments there, so this year they are where I can enjoy them more.  Aren't they cute?

The doll quilt on top of the dresser is this one:  The picture of it is from an old post (Here) if you want more information about it.

The mirror by the front door has been replaced for the season with this wreath.  I bought it because I loved the pine cone seeds that someone had glued onto the wreath.  Amazing.....I had to buy it when I saw it because I sure wasn't going to make it myself.  The little "Let It Snow" sign has been out somewhere in the house every Christmas for at least 20 years.  

The Stair Railing near the Front Door:  I always have a quilt hanging over the railing here, and it varies by the season.  I've given away the Christmas quilt that is usually here, so this year we have "Roll Roll Cotton Boll", a Bonnie Hunter quilt.

Living Room:  Several years ago, I made Christmas fabric pillow covers for the living room couch pillows.  Here are the pillows (Santa fabric) along with some other holiday ones.  One end of the couch:

And the other end:

Another Christmas pillow I made a few years ago is made of felt, and was blogged about (Here)  I changed the pattern from "Happy Holidays" to "Merry Christmas".  

The coffee table in front of the couch has my collection of three "The Night Before Christmas" books.  The oldest one is from 1947, another is illustrated by Mary Engelbreit, and the third is our daughters - the front page says given to her by us when she was little (Why do I still have it?)  

Also on the coffee table, are the skaters.  They used to be magnetized, but alas, are not any more.  We used to put a magnet under the tray and move them around.  Now the puppy knocks them over with her tail.  Similar, but maybe not quite the same.

The Doll quilt on the coffee table is one of my favorite little quilts.  I blogged about it (Here) if you want to know the pattern and dimensions.

Christmas tree is decorated with Danish flags on a string.  I've seen them on trees in the usual garland way we do it here, and also from top to bottom as I've done it this year.  

I change up the quilt I cover the bottom of the tree with, and this year it's an old plaid bow tie quilt, functioning as a tree skirt.

Creche in bookcase is one by Jim Shore, featuring quilts, so I have one of my favorite little quilts under it.  If you want info about this quilt, I wrote about making it (Here).

Dining Room, I usually decorate the light fixture, and this year I also hung three little ornaments from it.  Some of my favorite ornaments are not noticed enough when they are in the middle of all the others on the Christmas tree, and I like to feature them.  Picture doesn't show them very well, but they are a pine cone, a tinsel star and a silver snowflake.  You can see them from sitting at the table much better.  Also two little bird ornaments are hanging on the knobs of the cupboard in the background.

Kitchen:  The kitchen counter has two stools, and I've set two places for hubby and I to use.  Here's a picture of one (they are both the same)

Also in the kitchen are two little birds that are usually in the kitchen window at Christmas time.  This year I have them "wishing" together on the Thanksgiving wish bone, which has been in the kitchen window since Thanksgiving.  I do like whimsy.

Back Door behind the kitchen:  Since we go in and out of this door all the time, and not the front door, I hang bells by the back door too.  Not as beautiful sounding as the sleigh bells, but a slight jingle jingle is good too.  The light fixture in the back room has mistletoe hanging from it, as I like to get a kiss from the hubby when we are coming and going.  

Kiss, kiss:

Our bedroom: We have two dressers directly across from our bed, and this year the snowman collection is on top of them.  When hubby saw it, he said "Are all these guys going to be staring at us while we are in bed?"  I said, yes and you'd better behave yourself!  

Our bed has my recently finished quilt on it, and I love it.  It's 100" by 100" and very cozy to sleep under.  The sheets are ones that we've had for years, and are only used during Christmas week.  I love sleeping with the reindeer.

One tradition we have is playing a game similar to "hide the thimble".  See this small box?

See what is inside?  This Santa is only 1 inch tall.

Can you find him now?  The grandchildren love to play this game with me, even now when they are in high school and college.  One year someone hid him inside a salt shaker at the cabin and we didn't find him until the next summer!  Now I have this little box for him and keep him there after Christmas so he doesn't get lost.

The living room sofa has a vintage quilt on it that I like to use for napping with my dog Penny Lane.  Here's a picture of yesterday afternoon's nap.  This lovely quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted, and I purchased it from a friend in Virginia.

Also, as part of the Holiday Favorites Blog Hop, I have a Christmas giveaway drawing for a lucky someone who comments on this post.  It is for two Christmas pillow covers for square pillows.  The picture shows the two pillow covers - one with the back opening showing, where you insert the pillow.  They are the same size as the Santa ones shown on my couch.  Second picture is a close-up of the fabric.   I will announce the winner on the December 30th regular Design Wall Monday post.  The drawing will remain open until midnight on the 29th.  Merry Christmas everyone!  

Tomorrow, Be sure to check out the last stop on the blog hop - it's over at Kevin the Quilter's blog:

Dec. 20 Kevin,

Thanks again to Lori of Humble Quilts for having this Holiday Favorites Blog Hop.  It was fun.  If you are a reader of my blog and don't know Lori, she is great, and inspires me.  


McQuilt said...

Enjoyed your Christmas blog. It was a treat to visit. Thank you. Love the pillow covers too.

Gretchen Weaver said...

You have a lovely home Judy and so nicely decorated for Christmas. I don't put up much decorating for Christmas anymore but after viewing all the beautiful decorations in the homes on this blog tour, I've actually decided to start a Christmas quilt! Your new quilt looks so nice and comfy. Have a joyous and peaceful Christmas, Blessings!

Julierose said...

Your house decorations are all so lovely..and the pillow covers are wonderful.
I love your snowmen collection -- what a beautiful job decorating...
hugs, Julierose

Jean said...

Love your Christmas decorations! It's been fun enjoying everyone on the blog hop's home.

The Joyful Quilter said...

What a beautiful Holiday home you have created. That tiny Santa is one of the sweetest things I've seen! What fun you all must have. Thanks for sharing in the Blog Hop (and for hosting a giveaway, too!)

MaryC said...

I love your idea of hide 'n seek with the mini Santa! I admire the time/effort that went into your bed quilt! Impressive!

Anonymous said...

Love all your decorations. I was wondering about the quilt on the back of the couch that shows just a hint of red baskets. Have you blogged about this quilt? Would love to see the whole thing! Sharon Ray

Juliann said...

This blog hop has been so fun. I have really enjoyed seeing how everyone decorates. You have a lovely home.

Nancy said...

Thanks for the fun tour of your beautiful home! Merry Christmas!!

Shelina said...

Your house is so beautifully decorated for the holidays! It looks very welcoming and festive. I have also made that sledders quilt - I kept the words Happy Holidays. I still need to add the snowflakes on it.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love your house all decorated for Christmas - how pretty

Karyn said...

Your home is beautiful and so lovingly decorated for the Season. Thanks for sharing☺️💙☮️

Lori said...

Such a lovely tour!! I love it all and another Scandinavian!! LOL One of my favs is the vintage looking red and white felt pillow that says Merry Christmas- there is something so charming about it!!
I think I need seasonal pillow covers!!

Debra @ Life is a Stitch said...

So much beautiful quilt work, Judy!
I just love love love your new bed quilt! Did you quilt it yourself? And Penny Lane is getting so big! ❤️Merry Christmas!

Pinkadot Quilts said...

My mom's maiden name was Hansen! Maybe we are related as all her ancestors are from Denmark, Sweden and Norway. I love the doll quilt under your creche and may just need to make it! What lovely items you have to celebrate Christmas!

Judy in Michigan said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and lovely quilts. Some of them are not so small!! I live in Gaylord and we share the same name. Merry Christmas!!!

frameless mind said...

So beautiful!!!! So many gorgeous quilts!!
Merry Christmas

Christy said...

Thank you for sharing all the wonderful quilts and Santas and snowmen! I love your Danish touches. I have Norwegian heritage and keep adding more Scandinavian touches to my decor!

Debbie B said...

What a lovely display you have. Thanks for sharing your treasures. Merry Christmas!

belarmina said...

Judy gracias por compartir tu bella decoración,
Me encantan tus edredones.
¡¡adoro tu colección de muñecos de nieve !!
Felices Fiestas

mary said...

thank you for sharing your traditions with us!! I too make little doll quilts and decorate with them. Merry Christmas from Texas

LONA said...

What a wonderful Christmas setting- loved your tour and your amazing quilts. The new quilt on your bed is awesome!!! Would you tell the pattern and designer, please? Or maybe it is your own design? Thanks! Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Judy, I loved touring your home, so generous of you to invite us all in. Your traditions are wonderful as are your quilts. The tiny Santa is great, and the snowmen in your bedroom made me laugh. Can't imagine waking up to all those smiling faces! Merry Christmas.

Christie said...

I love your doll quilt on top of the dresser! Thank you for the tour of your festive Christmassy home! Christmas HUGS... and merry stitches

susiefloozie said...

What a beautiful post, complete with links to your quilts. The BH quilt over the railing is beautiful as is your new bed quilt. After seeing your blog and the others, I really need to make some Christmas quilts big enough for beds! Thank you for sharing your bright, beautiful home!

Kate said...

Love keepsakes and family history of your holiday decorations. Very festive. Have a very happy holiday.

Barb said...

what a wonderful tour of your beautiful Christmassy Home. You have a great knack for decorating and display. We celebrate Danish style here as my husband is Danish and the red and white is perfect for Christmas. I have Danish Hearts on a string that hang from top to bottom.
God Jul to you!

Angie in SoCal said...

Another great Christmas post - I'm so enjoying these. I think I'll find me a teeny Santa to play that game with my DGKs. Thanks for the chance. Merry Christmas!

Linda B said...

Beautiful home with lovely Christmas decorations, but know what I really like? The reindeer sheets and pillow cases! Did you cross stitch them? Thank you for a fun tour.

Yvonne said...

Your quilts are amazing! And I 💓💗💓your Christmas decorations! Love the vintage book and all the little things you decorated your house with. Have a very Merry Christmas!

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Your decorating is beautiful! What a treat to see it all. I really like the little red picket fence around the tree skirt. So clever! Thanks for sharing all your wonderful quilts and your beautiful home. Merry Christmas.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Broken Dishes is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful decorations!

quilt101 said...

I loved your little quilts, I especially liked those little Christmas socks! How wonderful to still have them all these years! Also fun to see your sleigh bells on the strap. I gave something similar to my daughter who has trained her new puppy Ellie Grace to tap the bells when she needs to potty! Thanks for sharing!

Judy in Michigan said...

Hi again, what is the name of the quilt on your bed? I think it's a Bonnie Hunter pattern (maybe not) but I would appreciate the name and if it is Bonnie's, which book it came from. It's beautiful!!!

Carline said...

What a fun tour of your Christmas home. i makes me feel lazy, I'm afraid. This year none of the kids are able to come home so I made the decor pretty simple. You deffinately gave me some ideas for next year. Merry Christmas from the wet state of Washington

Meloney said...

Your home is so festive. Thank you for taking us on the tour.

Carol in Texas said...

Your home is just lovely and I love your decorations! Whimsy is the best! It makes life fun. We are on our way to spend Christmas with our older son, his precious wife and their two large yellow labs, Gunner and Gidget. We had our own yellow lab Bonnie when our two boys were growing up. They are wonderful dogs! Merry Christmas from Texas! 🎄

Joy L. said...

I love that many of your decorations are keepsakes from family. They bring back wonderful memories from Christmas past. Thank you for the tour.

Jennifer said...

What lovely decorations around your home!