
Monday, July 22, 2024

Design Wall Monday - July 22, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

I am making progress  on my bowtie blocks UFOs.  Here is the design wall with my yellow skirt fabric and the solid red bows.  It will finish at 45 inches square.

The method of construction I used is the old fashioned method of five pieces of fabric in a block.   I sewed the middle square to the long inside part of two background fabrics.  Then I sewed the other two sides of the middle bow piece to the long inside edge of two red outside bow pieces.  What was next was sewing the four short seams to connect the red bow pieces to their corresponding background pieces.  I am not good at Y seams, needle down and swiveling way, and this method was easier for me than doing that.  Hope this makes sense to you.

The next set of  bowtie block pieces in this UFO box, (that I asked you for background advice about) have been waiting for their turn.  I have decided to use solid color off white (muslin color) as I have lots of it in my stash.  Thanks for all of your advice.  It helped.  

These guys are next and they will also finish at 5 inches square:

What is on your design wall this week?  It is always a treat to read your blogs and see your project pictures.  Remember, you don’t technically need a design wall to participate.  Just show us what you are working on.  Thanks for participating!

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Monday, July 15, 2024

Design Wall Monday - July 15, 2024

Good Morning Quilters!

A sad time in America..  Violence is never the answer in political differences.   I want to vote for my favorite candidates and also respect my friends who disagree with me, and vote for their favorite candidates.  

Here in our quilting world though, all is at peace……or at least it is on my design wall.  Remember last week I said there were 3 different bowtie projects in the UFO box I got out?  Last week I talked about the 1st one - skirt material and solid red 5 inch bowties.  This is the rest of the story of what was also in the UFO box.  

There were some thirties print fabric bowtie blocks with thirties print backgrounds behind the bowties.  In other words, there was a lot going on, and no place for the eye to rest. I think someone gave them to me a long time ago.  I cut them all apart, (not seam ripping) and made each part a smaller size.  And I used a more neutral background, and they are now the start of a little doll quilt, plus some more that didn’t want to be in the doll quilt, so I made them into groups of four blocks.  I am unsure of what I will make with the sets of four…….maybe hot pads or to decorate the end of dish towels….what do you suggest?

Here is the doll quilt, with the proposed pink binding near it.  Blocks are 3” square, and doll quilt will be about 17” square.

And the extra 3 sets of four blocks:   (and three individual lone blocks). These blocks below are mostly from the original “background” fabric, so you can see just how busy the Blocks were originally.  

The 3rd bowtie project was fabric cut for bowties and no background fabrics,  Here is a picture of the cut bowtie pieces:

They will finish at 5 inches square.  What do you suggest for a background color?  I am leaning toward just plain white, but could be persuaded to use a solid color.  What do you think?  There are 92 on them.

What peaceful (pieceful) project is on your design wall?

Thank you so much for participating in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  Click below to join and we can see your pictures and read your blog post.  

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Monday, July 8, 2024

Design Wall Monday - July 8, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

My enthusiasm for quilting was high this week.  I finished sewing together all the hourglass blocks for the final border of the quilt that has been on the design wall for weeks.  The quilt top measures 80” x 80”, with blocks that are 2” finished size.  Here it is, and I will use the dark navy from the quilt as a binding, to repeat the color again at the edge:

Next, I pulled out a UFO box and looked at what was in it.  All of my UFO’s have sentimental stories it seems, and this one does.  The box was filled with three bowtie blocks projects and some of the fabric to complete the same.  The first one involved a bright gold/red leaf print that used to be a skirt that my Mother made for me in Junior High.  I picked out the fabric before it was made.  And my memory of it includes a fabulous mending job that my Mom did to fix it after I tore a big gash in the skirt.  (I was a tomboy and was busy trying to do all that my older brother did). I was very impressed with her mending skills.  Here is the fabric, very typical of the mid 1950s:

When first starting quilting, I cut the skirt fabric into bowtie block pieces, but my sewing skills were not there, and I stopped working on it.   There were 14 completed blocks and lots of pieces cut for more.  Here are those 14 on my design wall:

There were some other blocks made where the gold/red leaf fabric was paired with another print.  I decided this week that these were too busy for my taste now, and took them apart.  My plan is to complete all of the blocks with the solid red alternating fabric, for a bright quilt.  I have fabric for about 50 more blocks.  It was fun going down memory lane about my skirt, and I like the plan of completing this UFO.  

The other 2 bowtie projects in the box are another story, and I will save that for another day.  What are you working on this week?  I hope your enthusiasm is high this week too.  I really appreciate your participation in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party, and I hope you will join in again this week.  

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Design Wall Monday - July 1, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

This Monday marks the start of the second half of 2024.  What is going to be on your design wall in the next six months?  My plan this week is to look at all the UFOs in my studio, and really examine whether or not they will get finished by me.  The last time I did an inventory, I liked them all, and didn’t want to eliminate any of them.  I am also going to divide the lot of them into two piles:  small or doll quilts vs. bed quilts.

The finish this week is a small quilt, 20” by 20”, and was not even on the UFO list!  But that is the way it goes sometimes.  Here is my small quilt version of “Two Step” a Barbara Brackman pattern:

Here is a picture of the blocks laid out before sewing them together:

And next, the finished quilt, next to it’s king sized version:

Here is another picture.  It is so cute, and so little.  I do like little quilts.

So, that is what I did this last week.  What about you?  I am looking forward to reading your blogs and looking at your pictures.  Thanks so much for participating in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  Happy July 4th celebration for all in the USA.  I will post some patriotic quilts next week.

Click on the link below and join the party.  

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Design Wall Monday - June 24, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

I am happy to report that I am all well. (knee replacement surgery June 3), and am back to quilting.  It is so good to be back.  I finished the binding on the Two Step Quilt and here is a picture of it in the family room, on the couch.  The squares finish at five inches, and there are 20 squares across and 20 down.  Making the finished quilt measure 100” by 100”.  King size for our bed.

Closer picture:

I like it so much!  I will make a label this week.  The idea came from a book by Barbara Brackman, but I think her squares are a different size.  I blogged about it (Here)

While finishing the binding on this quilt, I decided to make a small quilt/doll quilt of the same design.  So here’s my start, with four little blocks made yesterday:

Aren’t they cute?  If you would like to make a little quilt too, here is my plan:

Finished block size will be 2.5 inches square, and I will make 32 of the indigo centered blocks and 32 of the shirting centered blocks.  The little quilt will then be 20 inches square.  I am thinking 8 squares across and 8 down.

Cutting directions:

Cut the centers at 2” x 2”           (32 dark and 32 light)

Cut the shorter borders at 1” x 2”        (64 dark and 64 light)

Cut the longer borders at 1” x 3”        (64 dark and 64 light)

Let me know if you decide to make one.  I think it will go quite fast.  It can be a little leader/ender project.

What is on your design wall?  Mine still has the Hour Glass Challenge quilt on it, and I did get all of the rest of the hour glass blocks made for the final border (132) so assembly of “blocks” of 36 of the hour glass blocks will now begin.  It’s exciting to be near the end.  

Thanks for your beautiful pictures and blog posts for our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  I appreciate you very much.  Click the link below and show us what you are working on.

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Design Wall Monday - June 17, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

What is on your design wall?  As most of you know, I am recovering from knee surgery that happened two Mondays ago.  Everything is going as planned and I will go to the surgeon’s office to have the stitches (actually staples) removed in two days.  My progress has been great in all areas except getting back to my design wall.  So my design wall looks the same as it did two weeks ago.

This week will probably be the week that I get back to making hourglass blocks so I can finish the left border.  We shall see.

On June 15th, we celebrated 61 years of married bliss.  We ventured out of the house that day to go to a graduation party, and on the way there, we stopped at a drug store to buy me a cane.  I am recovering enough from a borrowed walker to move to using a cane.  Anyway, when we got back into the car after purchasing the cane, hubby looked at me with a grin and said “Happy Anniversary”.  lol. 

Actually, a cane is probably a needed 61 year anniversary present in a lot of cases.  I must report that he also bought me flowers and candy, and has been a great nurse while I’ve been laid up.  I am blessed to have such a great hubby.

What is new on your design wall?  Or what are you working on?  Please link up below and show us.  Reading your blogs and seeing your pictures makes us happy.  Thanks for joining our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Design Wall Monday - June 10,2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

This is the last picture of me with my vintage 81 year old right knee before it got replaced with the new one.  DH took a picture of me in my lovely “disposable fabric” hospital gown in the pre surgery area last Monday morning.

Of course, after we figured out how to unfold it and get the thing on, I remembered that the nurse had wanted me to swipe down my entire body with antibiotic wipes before I put it on….which I had forgotten to do.  That’s what we were laughing about as I posed for my “before” picture…….that I would have to take it off again and do the wipes….and then hopefully figure out how it went back on.  These hospital staffs have us do everything for them nowadays!  haha   

So surgery went very-very well, and I was back at home by 2:00 PM the same day!  All week long I’m in pjs, compression socks, ace bandages around my right knee, an ice water pump attached to my knee area, and a big blue elevation wedge under my right leg.  Any walking is done with a walker.

Wedge looks like this:

DH aka “Nurse” takes care of me very very well.  A Physical Therapy Nurse comes to visit twice a week for these first two weeks, and she says I’m doing very well also. 

Friends stopped in, bringing flowers, food, and well wishes all week long.  Calls, texts, emails, all week long.  AND, it wasn’t planned, but you who have known me a long time, know that I love tennis.  It was French Open week!  and there was great tennis on tv all week long.  Serendipity! 

Nurse Penny Lane thought that besides the compression socks, I needed a little dog “chest compression” time.  She did her best to comfort me, and was especially helpful with nap time.  She is a very good nap taker.


Quilting should resume next week, as I am mending so fast.  There are lots of people praying for a speedy recovery for me, and I can feel God’s blessings every day.  Thank you for carrying on here for me last week.  And thank you to those of you who prayed.  I am mending fast.

My design wall looks the same, so no pictures of it for you this week.  Join the Design Wall Linky Party below and dazzle us with something please.  You provide us with such great pictures and blog posts.  Thanks!

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Design Wall Monday - June 3, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

When you read this post Monday morning, I will be in the hospital getting a brand new titanium knee.  Surgery is scheduled for 7:30 AM, and I will be in surgery for about 2 hours.  It is going to improve my mobility when I am healed, but I will not be sewing for a few days.  Please pray for a speedy recovery for my body.

This past week I did sew some more hourglass blocks and now three of the outer borders are complete.  Here is my design wall picture:

I looked at my pile of hourglass blocks that are made, and calculated how many more I need to complete the fourth border.  I need to make about 150 more hourglasses.  Here is the progress picture from a few days ago:

What is on your design wall?  Or, if not a design wall picture, show us what you are working on today.  Just click on the link below.

Thanks for participating in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  I appreciate all of you.  And thank you for your prayers for me this week.

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Monday, May 27, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 27, 2024

Good Morning Quilters!

Today is Memorial Day (which was called Decoration Day years ago.) 

remember when I was a child my brother and I would decorate our bicycles with red, white and blue crepe paper and ride in the parade that ended at the town cemetery.  The ceremony at the cemetery, included speeches, prayers, taps, and a 21 gun salute.  My father wore his WWII uniform, and would be proud that it still fit.  I would guess this memory was from the mid 1950s, as I was 10 years old in 1953.

Here is a small quilt that I made that is on my coffee table today:  I blogged about it (Here)

What quilt or quilts do you display on Memorial Day?  I have lots on red, white and blue quilts, as I love our country so much.  Red, white and blue make a great quilt color combination.

Please join in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party, and show us what you are displaying, or working on this week.  Thanks so much for participating.  I appreciate you so much. 

Click below to join our Memorial Day Monday Design Wall Linky Party:

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Monday, May 20, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 20, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

Hi quilters!  Penny Lane here.  I’ve taken over my owner’s responsibilities today because she has not done much to tell you about.  I, however, have much to report:

I have been sleeping on whatever quilt she has on the couch.  I like them all.  Here is a picture of me on an old scrappy tied quilt that is one of my favorites to sleep on.

I also keep a close watch on her and try to encourage her to take breaks from quilting so we can go outside in the sunshine.  I can be very persuasive when I just stare at her, giving her long looks with little sighs.

She did finish the binding on the quilt she was working on for two weeks…….so I wagged my tail in approval.

Now she has started binding another one, and if she finishes it this week, you will see it next week.  I am pretty persuasive though about getting her to quit and take me outside.  My favorite thing to do outside is to roll around on the grass on my back.  It gives me the nicest feeling.  

What have you been doing this nice spring week?  If you have nothing on your design wall, that’s o.k.  My owner understands.  But she does want to hear from you, and see your pictures.  Please join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below.  

Thanks for your participation.  My owner loves and appreciates you.  .  

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Monday, May 13, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 13, 2024

 Happy Mother’s Day!

Well, I am ashamed to admit my binding project of the last two weeks hasn’t progressed to the finish line.   Two sides are finished, and two yet to go.  I have no excuses, but here are some feeble attempts at ones:

1) It’s spring and so many other distractions are happening.

2) Several friends have no car transportation right now, and hubby and/or I have been giving people rides to and fro.

3) I bought some plants and received a gift of a new gardening tool for my birthday.  It is a very sharp Japanese hand hoe, and I now have three stitches in my right hand palm.  So gardening has also stopped temporarily until my cut heals.  Note to self:  Be more careful!!!  And wear gardening gloves!!

4) I’m scheduled for knee replacement surgery on June 3rd, and have several “pre-op” tasks on my schedule.  The operation is something that I’m looking forward to because it is needed, but not looking forward to at the same time - ya know what I mean?

So, here I am on a Monday, with not much happening on my binding project.  I will share what is now up on the design wall:

(The white thing in the foreground is my sewing machine cover). I rearranged my sewing room so the sewing machine faces the windows, so I can enjoy the view of the woods outside.  It used to face the design wall, which was nice too.  See the machine placement now, in the middle of the room:

The hourglass and hst quilt on the design wall needs top and side blocks of a border added.  I am sewing them in “blocks” of 6X6 hourglass units, as you can see in the picture below:

Each hourglass finishes at two inches square, so the units finish at 12”X12” This is the part of a quilt where I want a fairy godmother to whisk her wand and make the project complete.

What is on your design wall?  Thank you so much for joining our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  I so appreciate you, and I look forward to reading your blogs.   And I especially love seeing your project pictures. 

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Monday, May 6, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 6, 2024

Good Morning Quilters!

Oh my, I have nothing to show you except a picture of where I am in sewing down the binding on a quilt……….just a little further along than last week.  But my week was full of happiness and joy.  Lots of visits with friends, celebrations of birthdays and other happy events.  God is good.

And I have good resolve to get this binding job finished this week.  Our screened porch is cleaned, and the wicker furniture is now out there, so I plan to spend some time there, binding away as I listen to the birds singing.  

What are you blogging about today?  There were so many interesting posts to see last week!  Three Dimension tulips, pretty peach colored quilts,  a Hunter’s Star quilt and lots of other good posts.  

Thank you all for participating in our Design Wall Monday Link Parties each week.  I appreciate you.  Just click below to join again today.

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Monday, April 29, 2024

Design Wall Monday - April 29, 2024


Good Morning Quilters!

I saw this paragraph on the internet last week, and wanted to share it with you:

     Some people get addicted to chain-smoking their problems. They spend all day going from sorrow to sorrow. It doesn't have to be that way. You can live each day going from joy to joy—like a sunflower that turns to face the sun as it moves across the sky. It's not about having a problem-free life, but about focusing on the light. Sunflowers still have shadows, but they are always behind them.

Today is a day to look toward the sun, and enjoy my blessing and not dwell on problems.  This past week has been a slow progress week in quilting for me.  There are two quilts that need binding, and I am working on one of them.  It is a quilt I made from the "Grandmother's Choice" quilt blocks from the Barbara Brackman's blog about women's rights.  She put out a series of 49 blocks and very interesting stories about the history of women's rights (or lack thereof).  Her blog is (Here)  This quilt is now an almost completed UFO that was started back in September of 2012.  My, how time flies when you are having fun!

My quilt is made of fall colors, with lots of black and cheddar,  and the quilting pattern is fall leaves.  I plan to display it this fall, for Thanksgiving.  Thankful for all the rights women have today.  Here is a picture of my progress in hand sewing the binding to the backside.

The backing is a dark brown/black color, and  you can see the fall leaves design:

The batting is black - first time I used a black batting, and it seemed the right choice for this quilt.  I will take a picture of the completed quilt next week, when the binding is sewn down.  Another UFO bites the dust!

What is happening in your world this week?  Any design wall pictures to show us?
Please join in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and we can see your blog posts and pictures.  Thank you so much for participating.  You are appreciated.

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Monday, April 22, 2024

Design Wall Monday - April 22, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

Last week I started a tutorial on how I made my fabric baskets, and didn’t get very far into my instructions before I had to stop to get to bed.  I told you I’d continue the instructions this week.  Well, writing instructions are a lot of work, and after looking at some youtube videos, I decided to direct you to some good instructions there - and not try to reinvent the wheel.  One video that I really liked was (Here)

The basic concepts are the same, no matter the measurements.  I started by making a “turning inside out” space in the bottom of the lining seam.  Then I switched to leaving a “turning inside out” space on one of the side seams….so the  lining wouldn’t have an obvious extra seam where I closed the turning hole.  But this video leaves a space for turning right in the seam around the top of the basket.  And it is sewn shut with the final top stitching of the seam around the top of the basket.  Sweet!

So I hope you forgive me for not continuing my tutorial.  But, I know when I’m trying to do something that has been done better many times on the net.

My retreat in Shipshewana was heavenly, and I had such a great time.  Having my daughter with me made it extra special, and the quilts these women make are spectacular!  

Here are my contributions to the  Friday Night Show ‘n Tell:

And my daughter, Christa showed the apron she made at the retreat, and two white geese that she crocheted.

The men who were holding up the quilts for display had fun making the geese “fly” for us.  

I had a birthday Tuesday, April 16th, after I returned home.  Now I am 81.  If I was dyslexic, I could be 18!  Many friends called, some stopped by, and others filled my Facebook page with well wishes. Plus the usual cake and candles.  I felt really blessed. 

So I’ve had some very full days since we last talked.  I hope you have been blessed too.  Please share your post below in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party so we can read your post.  Thanks to all who participate, you are appreciated.

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Monday, April 15, 2024

Design Wall Monday - April 15, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

Some of you wanted instructions for the little bags that I gave to fellow quilters at the retreat last week.  Here’s what I did:

Cut 4 outside pieces (two for body and two for lining) at 10 inches X 12 inches.

Cut 2 pieces of batting the same size, 10 X 12

Place an outside piece with a piece of batting behind it, and quilt it with an easy crosshatch pattern.  I start at the upper left corner and sew a line diagonally to the lower right corner.  Then I lay a strip of scrap fabric the width that I want to have the lines be (apart from each other) and sew next to it, in the same direction.  I keep adding straight lines, using my scrap fabric guide for making the lines even with each other.  Then I start in the opposite corner and repeat the whole process until the crosshatch quilting is complete.  Do this with both outside pieces.  See example below:

In the above case, I didn’t even have to use my fabric strip to guide where the next line of stitching went - I just used the fabric motifs as my guide.  

Do this until the grid is complete.  Repeat this on the second outside fabric with a batting piece behind it.

After the 2 battings are quilted to both the front and the back pieces, put them right sides together and sew around three sides…..Down a 10 inch side, along the bottom 12 inches and up the other 10 inch side.  Set aside.

For the lining put the lining 2 pieces right sides together and sew the same as above  EXCEPT leave open a “turning space” of about 2.5 inches in the middle of one side. 

Folks, this is as far as I got with the directions before I left for the retreat.

I’m back home now and am very tired.  The retreat was wonderful, and I will finish the directions next Monday, when my brain is more alert.  Right now I am home safe and sound, very happy, and had a wonderful time with my daughter.  She flies home this afternoon.

I’m looking forward to seeing what you have accomplished while I was away playing.  Please join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and show us.  Thank you so much!

Hugs, Judy

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Monday, April 8, 2024

Design Wall Monday - April 8, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

This week I have been preparing for a week’s quilting retreat in Shipshewana, Indiana.  The special treat for me this time is that my daughter is flying in to go with me.  That is making it really special.

Getting ready involves making lists of what to take, changing my mind about what to take, and making more detailed lists.  We leave on Wednesday, after I pick her up at the airport.  My daughter does a lot of crocheting, but she may do some sewing, so I am taking two of my sewing machines.

This group of women often wear old fashioned aprons while they sew, so I washed and ironed all the aprons that I have inherited.  I am ready to be “stylin” in my pretty aprons.  Here’s a picture:

Five are made by my mother and I remember her wearing them all.  The one in the upper right was made by my younger sister in home economics class in probably 1963 or 1964.  It screams “made in the 60s” with the lovely purple and orange print!  I think it’s so ugly that it’s cute.  

Also this week I worked on a small gift for some of my friends at the retreat.  I found instructions on the internet for a small fabric bag that they can use to put supplies or scraps in while they are sewing.  The pattern is really easy and if anyone is interested, I can share the instructions with you another week.  I had fun choosing two coordinating fabrics to make each one.  Sometimes I couldn’t choose which fabric should be the liner vs. the outside.  See?

Here is a picture of ones I have made so far:

They are made with two outside pieces of fabric cut 10” by 12”,  to give you an idea of their size.  They are fun to make, and very easy.

What are you making this week?  I am looking forward to seeing your pictures and reading about them.  Thanks so much for faithfully linking up with our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  You are appreciated.

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Monday, April 1, 2024

Design Wall Monday - April 1, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

Here’s one of my Dad’s corny jokes for you:

He walks slowly into the kitchen, draggng his feet on a morning like this one and says….………..….”Boy, am I TIRED!”.

 And either my brother or I would answer…..”Why?”

He would very slowly explain….……”Well, who wouldn’t be, after a March of 31 days!”

As an Army infranty man, serving in WWII, he especially enjoyed his yearly joke for us.

My week has been one of travel.  And today I will be traveling even more.  We are driving from Grand Rapids to Chicago and back to help a friend who needs transportation.  So this post will be short and sweet.  What is sweet about it?  How about finishing the binding on a quilt….actually two UFOs in one.  Hurrah!

The front view:

Back view:

This quilt has signature blocks on the front from a 2023 group exchange from the Jane Stickle Quilt Retreat ladies.  The back has signature blocks from the same group from 2015.  I am glad to have both sets of blocks into a finished quilt, and I will use this one on my couch so I can be warmed by my friends.  

 Close-up pictures of the blocks on each side:

What are you working on this week?  Please join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and show us.  Thank you for faithfully participating.  I appreciate you.

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Monday, March 25, 2024

Design Wall Monday - March 25, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

Well, some weeks are productive, and some are not.  This week was not.  Here is a picture of the start on my Cousin’s Walk borders, as it looks this morning:

And this is what it looked like last Monday morning:

But, I did fill out my NCAA tournament bracket, and watched a lot of basketball.  I am currently in 9th place in our family’s pool of 9 people.  Trivia for today:  My hubby and I were both basketball players in high school, and that was one of our common interests when we started dating back then.  We really enjoy watching the March Madness basketball games.

So, with my lack of quilting progress, I am looking forward to reading your blogs and seeing progress happening.  Don’t disappoint me!  Join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and show me up big time.  Thanks for participating.  I appreciate you.

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Monday, March 18, 2024

Design Wall Monday - March 18, 2023

 Good Morning Quilters!

This week has been a productive week for me - quilt wise.  Remember when I showed you a challenge quilt that some friends are making that was all hourglass blocks?  (Here). The blocks finish at two inches.  Here is my progress on my version:

My version has a combination of half-square triangles and hourglass blocks - all finishing at two inches.  I am not sure how big my quilt will grow, but I made progress in sewing block sets together of 36 hourglasses.  6x6 units.  Some more in progress here:

Also, besides making progress on this quilt, I started on the flowers and leaves on two of the four borders on the bird quilt that I talked about last week. (Picture here) I am making the top and bottom borders exactly the same as each other, and will make the two side borders the same as each other also.  On the original quilt, all four borders have different amounts of flowers and leaves - some with many more flowers than others.

Here’s my beginning on two borders:

I think it is going to be faster as I’m doing the same flower twice in a row, and sometimes I learn a better way to do it, as I compare my work with the first one made to the second one.  I have 10 more bird blocks for the center of the quilt, and I am happy to be starting on the borders because they are full of flowers and leaves.

Penny Lane thanks you for all the nice remarks about her, and she says Thank You.  

I also relayed to Elise all of your kind remarks about her.   (Elise and her quilt)  She is still sewing together her blocks into a quilt top (at her home).  I hope to get a progress report from her tonight.  I will keep you updated.

Design Wall Monday Linky Party is below, waiting for you to join in.  (I just read that the English “rule makers” have given us permission to end a sentence with a preposition.  It makes me happy because I no longer feel like I’m breaking the rules when I use one to end a sentence with).  Of course with our hobby of quilting, there are no rules, and I like that very much!

Thanks for joining in and showing us your work, or play, or anything related to quilting.  I appreciate you. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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