
Monday, May 27, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 27, 2024

Good Morning Quilters!

Today is Memorial Day (which was called Decoration Day years ago.) 

remember when I was a child my brother and I would decorate our bicycles with red, white and blue crepe paper and ride in the parade that ended at the town cemetery.  The ceremony at the cemetery, included speeches, prayers, taps, and a 21 gun salute.  My father wore his WWII uniform, and would be proud that it still fit.  I would guess this memory was from the mid 1950s, as I was 10 years old in 1953.

Here is a small quilt that I made that is on my coffee table today:  I blogged about it (Here)

What quilt or quilts do you display on Memorial Day?  I have lots on red, white and blue quilts, as I love our country so much.  Red, white and blue make a great quilt color combination.

Please join in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party, and show us what you are displaying, or working on this week.  Thanks so much for participating.  I appreciate you so much. 

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Monday, May 20, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 20, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

Hi quilters!  Penny Lane here.  I’ve taken over my owner’s responsibilities today because she has not done much to tell you about.  I, however, have much to report:

I have been sleeping on whatever quilt she has on the couch.  I like them all.  Here is a picture of me on an old scrappy tied quilt that is one of my favorites to sleep on.

I also keep a close watch on her and try to encourage her to take breaks from quilting so we can go outside in the sunshine.  I can be very persuasive when I just stare at her, giving her long looks with little sighs.

She did finish the binding on the quilt she was working on for two weeks…….so I wagged my tail in approval.

Now she has started binding another one, and if she finishes it this week, you will see it next week.  I am pretty persuasive though about getting her to quit and take me outside.  My favorite thing to do outside is to roll around on the grass on my back.  It gives me the nicest feeling.  

What have you been doing this nice spring week?  If you have nothing on your design wall, that’s o.k.  My owner understands.  But she does want to hear from you, and see your pictures.  Please join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below.  

Thanks for your participation.  My owner loves and appreciates you.  .  

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Monday, May 13, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 13, 2024

 Happy Mother’s Day!

Well, I am ashamed to admit my binding project of the last two weeks hasn’t progressed to the finish line.   Two sides are finished, and two yet to go.  I have no excuses, but here are some feeble attempts at ones:

1) It’s spring and so many other distractions are happening.

2) Several friends have no car transportation right now, and hubby and/or I have been giving people rides to and fro.

3) I bought some plants and received a gift of a new gardening tool for my birthday.  It is a very sharp Japanese hand hoe, and I now have three stitches in my right hand palm.  So gardening has also stopped temporarily until my cut heals.  Note to self:  Be more careful!!!  And wear gardening gloves!!

4) I’m scheduled for knee replacement surgery on June 3rd, and have several “pre-op” tasks on my schedule.  The operation is something that I’m looking forward to because it is needed, but not looking forward to at the same time - ya know what I mean?

So, here I am on a Monday, with not much happening on my binding project.  I will share what is now up on the design wall:

(The white thing in the foreground is my sewing machine cover). I rearranged my sewing room so the sewing machine faces the windows, so I can enjoy the view of the woods outside.  It used to face the design wall, which was nice too.  See the machine placement now, in the middle of the room:

The hourglass and hst quilt on the design wall needs top and side blocks of a border added.  I am sewing them in “blocks” of 6X6 hourglass units, as you can see in the picture below:

Each hourglass finishes at two inches square, so the units finish at 12”X12” This is the part of a quilt where I want a fairy godmother to whisk her wand and make the project complete.

What is on your design wall?  Thank you so much for joining our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  I so appreciate you, and I look forward to reading your blogs.   And I especially love seeing your project pictures. 

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Monday, May 6, 2024

Design Wall Monday - May 6, 2024

Good Morning Quilters!

Oh my, I have nothing to show you except a picture of where I am in sewing down the binding on a quilt……….just a little further along than last week.  But my week was full of happiness and joy.  Lots of visits with friends, celebrations of birthdays and other happy events.  God is good.

And I have good resolve to get this binding job finished this week.  Our screened porch is cleaned, and the wicker furniture is now out there, so I plan to spend some time there, binding away as I listen to the birds singing.  

What are you blogging about today?  There were so many interesting posts to see last week!  Three Dimension tulips, pretty peach colored quilts,  a Hunter’s Star quilt and lots of other good posts.  

Thank you all for participating in our Design Wall Monday Link Parties each week.  I appreciate you.  Just click below to join again today.

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