
Monday, September 16, 2024

Design Wall Monday - September 16, 2024

Good Morning Quilters!

This week has been semi-productive, so I haven't much to show you.  Plenty to tell you though.  

Remember back in the spring, when I showed you the start of a first quilt a friend of mine worked on while at my house?  I blogged about Elise (Here)  She has since moved from Grand Rapids to Muskegon, and I haven't seen her for a while.  But here is the picture and text that I received from Elise today: 

    "Finally done! Finished the binding by hand last night.  Wanted to say thank you so, so much for all the help and all the tools to get me started!  I'm hooked!"

I am so pleased that she's 'hooked'.  Here is her finished quilt, made for her daughter's bed:

Also this week, Joan Brink's beautiful quilt that I blogged about (Here) won another award at another quilt show.  Best Traditional Quilt in the AQS Lancaster, PA quilt show!  I am so happy for her.  Another picture of her quilt:

One friend, in the group that I go to Shipshewana with, had an email request for a contribution of two blocks for a Quilt of Valor.  I followed the directions to make a red, white and blue 12 inch block........and made the block.  Then I measured it.  It was just exactly 12 inches square.......not 12.5 inches as it should be as an unfinished block.  Sooooo, I took it all apart and made it again, this time using a "scant"  1/4 inch seam, and it is now the correct size, 12.5 inches.    They asked for two blocks of the same fabric, so the second block is now made correctly,  and they are ready to take with me when the retreat happens in November.  

 Also, the baby quilt of last week's post is in the mail, and should arrive at the baby's house today.  All in all a good report week.

I hope you have had a good week too.  Please join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and show us what you have made.  Thanks to all who participate.  I so enjoy reading your blogs and looking at all the pretty pictures.  You are appreciated!

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Monday, September 9, 2024

Design Wall Monday - September 9, 2024

Good Morning Quilters!

The baby quilt is quilted, and ready to send off to the new baby.  I cheated:  instead of quilting it myself and dealing with the stretchy flannel back, I took it to a friend and she did a wonderful job!  Much better than I would have done!  

And it is finished.  Here are a few pictures:

First, the complete quilt.

Second, a square up close, the turtle:

The back side showing the butterfly quilting.  So cute!

My next UFO that has been pulled out is a quilt kit.  Pictured below:

It is part of the Marcus “Collection for a Cause” series.  The collection series are mostly reproductions of vintage quilts, and I liked the fabrics in this repro kit.  I started it, but was challenged by cutting angles and having block edges on the bias.  But now I am attempting it again, and have started making the “four patch” diamond blocks.  There are about 100 of them, and I am just starting - 12 made so far.  

The weather here in Michigan has been hinting fall….cooler nights and sunny 70s in the daytime.  I hope it lasts for a while.  

What is on your design wall?  Mine is empty right now, but will soon have the UFO diamonds. up there.   We are looking forward to seeing what you are working on.  Thank you for faithfully linking up with our Design Wall Monday Linky Party each week.  You are a blessing to me.

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Monday, September 2, 2024

Design Wall Monday - September 2, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

Labor Day is celebrated in America to honor the workers who built America.  As quilters, our labors of love are to be celebrated too.  So Happy Labor Day to you!

While at the AQS Quilt Sow in Grand Rapids recently, I saw many beautiful quilts.  I thought I’d share another one with you today.  Karen Kay Buckley made this one:

 It won a second place ribbon.  I liked all the colors used and the overall design.  Here are some closeup pictures to show you the quilting in the darker border that was wonderful:

Anda closeup of the main part of the quilt:

Quilt shows are so inspiring, aren’t they?

My design wall is empty right now, but I have plans to pullout another UFO this week and get working on it.  What is on your design wall?

Please click on the link below and show us what you are working on.  Thanks for sharing!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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