
Monday, September 23, 2024

Design Wall Monday - September 23, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

This UFO that has caused me to struggle in finishing it, has been completed, bound, labeled, and shipped this week to my cousin.   I know she will love it and use it.  This makes me so happy to have such a happy ending,  Here is a picture of “Splendid Sampler Blocks” just before  I mailed it. 

There are so many UFOs patiently waiting their turn, so when one leaves and flies away to a new home, it pleases me so much.  The Splendid Sampler blocks were designed by several quilt designers and were featured by Jane Davidson and Pat Sloan on the internet.  For two years there were free block designs online, and these blocks were from the first year blocks.   They combined each year of blocks into two quilt books:  Splendid Sampler and Splendid Sampler II.

A closeup of one of my favorite blocks:

I started making these 6 inch blocks in 2016, and you can search my blog for the words “Splendid Sampler” if you want more info.  Also their website is  (Here)

What are you starting, working on, or finishing this week?  Please join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and join the fun.  Thank you for faithfully participating each week.  You are all special to me, and I learn so much from you.  

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maggie fellow said...

your quilt is beautiful and a real treasure

cityquilter grace said...

pretty AND finished!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I really like the way you set these blocks, so pretty, your cousin will be thrilled! Happy stitching!

Kate said...

Congrats on a beautiful finish! Finishing off a UFO is such a good feeling. You've been doing a lot of that this year. Happy stitching this week.

Bonnie said...

Great finish. I remember those splendid blocks. I may have saved them on the computer. I open the file to look at them when I need a 6" block. I've used several over the years.

LA Paylor said...

that big quilt is an achievement. Little bunny, so sweet

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a perfect little bunny!!!

Sara said...

Wow! That is a beauty!! I'm sure your cousin will treasure it.

Kim said...

That quilt is so beautiful! And I, too, love that rabbit block. Thanks for sharing and hosting.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Judy, what a lovely quilt. Congratulations on getting it done and gifted where it will be appreciated!