
Monday, August 26, 2024

Design Wall Monday - August 26, 2024

Good Morning Quilters!

Today I am going to brag about a good friend, Joan Brink, who just won one of the big prizes at the 2024 AQS Grand Rapids Quilt Show.

Joan appliquéd this beautiful Baltimore Album quilt.  I am so happy for her and that her quilt got recognized.  She did such a beautiful job and as you can see, it was a lot if work.  


My progress has been minimal this week, but I did take some pictures of some other quilts at the AQS show, which I will show you next Monday.  

What are you up to?  Thank you so much for all who participate in our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  It is so nice to see what you are making each week.  You are appreciated.

Click on the link below and let the show begin:

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Monday, August 19, 2024

Design Wall Monday - August 19, 2024

 Good Morning Quilters!

This week I worked on getting the little doll quilt of bowties finished.  The backing and batting are now quilted to the front, and triangle corners added to the back, to enable it to be hung on a wall.  Here are pictures of it - front and back. 

The.binding should be all sewn down by the end of the day.  A lovely task after binding the king sized Splendid Sampler quilt last week.  

The baby quilt is ready to be quilted now.  All blocks sewn together, batting added and backing picked out.  The next job is pinning it before I quilt it.  But I am suffering with a sore back this week, and it will have to wait until my back feels better.  Rght now I can’t get down on the floor to get the quilt pinned.    Here is the project as it is today:  

I really like this baby quilt so far, but often have trouble with a flannel backing (getting  no wrinkles in it).  It will be good for me to practice on another one to see if I can pin it together without wrinkles.  Wish me luck.

What are you working on this week?  We had so many interesting linkups last week.  I am looking forward to seeing this week’s posts.  Just join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party and show us what you are doing,  I appreciate all of you so much.

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Monday, August 12, 2024

Design Wall Monday - August 12, 2024

Goos Morning Quilters!

Today I am telling you the story of a sampler quilt that has been slogging along to the finish line…….but is finally getting a happy ending.

Remember the free internet patterns of “The Splendid Sampler” that Pat Sloan and Jane Davidson put out in 2016? Although I enjoyed making many of the 6 inch block, when it came time to put them together into a cohesive group, I struggled.  And struggled.  Here are pictures of my design wall trials from past blog posts:

This quilt confirmed my decision to quit making sampler quilts…..but I digress.

I did settle on something and sewed it together (again pics from previous blog posts):

So it progressed to a top.   And was sent to be quilted by a long armer.  Then it sat because it needed binding and I didn’t have any more of the green that I wanted to use for binding.  

A cousin visited us recently, that I don’t see very often, and I was showing her my quilt room and some of my finished quilts.  She saw this one in a heap in a corner, and really loved it!  Eureka!  A reason to get it finished and loved by someone.  I am binding it in white, and it will soon be sent to her.  I love happy endings.

Here isa picture of my binding progress this past week:

Do you have any happy endings this week?  Or happy starts?  Please tell us.  Join the Design Wall Monday Linky Party below and tell us your story.  Thanks to all who faithfully participate.

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Monday, August 5, 2024

Design Wall Monday - August 5, 2024

Good Morning Quilters!

The 3-in-1 Bowtie UFO box progress:

(1) I finished sewing all the creamy white backgrounds/vintage fabric bow ties into blocks, and am now deciding if I want to set them with an alternate square, or just sew them together as they are.  Thinking on this.  I saw a bowtie quilt with a dark alternate square that I liked….but am still undecided.

(2) My former skirt fabric and solid red bowtie blocks are all sewn together into a quilt top.  The blocks finish at 5 inches, and it is 9x9, so it is 45” by 45”.  

Here it is, on the left half of my design wall:

It will be sent out to my longarmer to be quilted.  

(3) The doll quilt top of vintage bowties has batting and a backing now with it, plus binding cut and pressed. I will be machine quilting it myself.  Hopefully this little cutie will be a finished doll quilt next week.  I forgot to take a picture of it yesterday.

So with these 3-in-1 bowtie UFOs progressing nicely, I pulled out another UFO!  This one is a baby quilt and the blocks were embroidered a long time ago by my friend Dee. She wasn’t happy with the quality of the white background fabric of this kit (I don’t know the original purchase info) and gave them to me to do something with.    She also thought they would look good with a “Twist ‘n Turn” setting that was from a book I had by that name, by Sharyn Squier Craig. 

So I read the book instructions, and made the frames for each block.  Here is my progress on this baby quilt which is on the right side of my design wall today:

Aren’t they cute?  Close-up pictures of two of them:

With the fabric “twist ‘n turn” frames, each block now measures 11 inches square before sewing them together.  So the baby quilt will be roughly 30” by 40” when finished.  I think I might put a satiny binding on it, as babies like that so much.  

What are you up to?  Please join our Design Wall Monday Linky Party.  It is so much fun to see what everyone is making.  Thanks for participating.

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